A friendly fire

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Mika's pov:
I woke up and went to the bathroom,as i brush my teeth i was wondering 'Chapa normally never cries so it must be heartbreaking to her'.After i finished my thought i washed my face,picked out an outfit,and went downstairs to eat breakfast.To my surprise Miles was already there at the table eating his eggs and bacon so i grab a plate when Miles says
Miles:no need for a plate sis i already made you a plate
Once i was done i got up,put my plate in the sink and waited outside for Miles even though he was right behind me.As me and Miles were walking we saw Bose sitting on a bench on Chapa's porch so i walk over to him with Miles following me
Mika:hey Bosey whatcha doing
Bose:waiting for Chapa normally she would be outside by now
But right as he said that we saw Chapa walk past us with her hood on and we heard her sniffling
Miles's pov:
we saw Bose on Chapa's porch but No Chapa but right as he said something we saw Chapa walk past us sniffling which i know I shouldn't be nosy but i know that the universe will provide me with information
Bose's pov:
I was sitting on Chapa's porch waiting for her to walk with me but as i say something we all see Chapa walk past us sniffling so me being a caring boyfriend i run up to her to see whats wrong.
Bose:hey Chaps whats wrong
Chapa:oh hey Bose um nothings wrong why do you ask
Bose:well your sniffling and your eyes are all red so i would think that your crying so tell me whats wrong
Chapa:oh well this morning i was cutting fruit and I accidentally cut myself with the knife and it really hurt
Bose:ok well can i walk with you
Chapa:uh sure why not
Chapa's pov:
I told Bose that I accidentally cut myself with a knife this morning while cutting fruit even though i never even ate breakfast today because i got kicked out of my house last night.I don't need them rasing me about it either so a little lying never hurts anyway we were all walking up the mountain when it started to thunder and lightning out but it never poured,it just sprinkled a little and immediately i thought of last night and tears were forming in my eyes as we walked closer to swag.When we finally reached the big wooden doors Ray was waiting for us with a big flyer up on the big board which no one looked at because it looked boring
Ray:Chapa pull your hood down,Miles fix your hair,Bose turn your hoodie around and Mika take those leaves out of your hair please
Kids except Chapa:ok
Chapa:why should i
Ray:because it bothers me now please just take your hood off
Chapa:ugh fine
After i pull down my hood i could feel everyone staring at me
Chapa:why is everyone staring at me
Mika:you got a little bit of tears like here and here
Mika points to her cheeks in a signal to wipe mine
Ray:ok can i get onto whats gonna go on today
Miles:go for it
Ray:ok well i have this flyer up on the big board because the school inspector wants us to have a parents night so bring your parents tonight and wear nice clo-
Bose's pov:
We were all listening to Ray but when he said parents night Chapa ran off outside crying and never let Ray finish his sentence so i run out after her.Its a good thing that she was just outside on a rock crying.i didn't want to sound rude so i said
Bose:um Chapa are you ok because you never run out of class
As i sit down next to Chapa she wipes her tears away but they keep falling down her cheeks
Bose:Chaps you can talk too me,i wont laugh
Chapa:its just when Ray said parents night it just got me upset so i ran out
Bose:how does parents night make you upset
Chapa:well you see last night my parents kicked me out so when i was crying this morning it was because of that so i don't really have parents to take to parents night
Bose:oh Chaps why didn't you tell anyone
Chapa:because Bosey i didn't want anyone to raze me about it so i kept it in
Bose:Chaps you can tell us anything especially me and we will listen and we will never judge or raze you about anything
Bose:really Chaps now come here
   No ones pov:
  Bose says as he wrap his arms around Chapa and kisses her forehead.She leans her head on Boses shoulder and he leans his head on hers as they watch the lightning in the sky and hear the booms of the thunder.Chapa slowly drifts in and out of sleep all she could think about is 'how will i tell the others' and after that thought she went to sleep because she couldn't fight her eyes open anymore
    An Hour later:
Mika's pov:
Its been an hour now and theres no sign of Chapa or Bose so i tell Miles that we should go look for them and to my surprise Ray came to look too
Mika:so Miles you take the mans nest
  Miles pushes his button and is lifted up too the mans nest
Mika:ok now Ray your gonna take the back of the mountain while i check the front
Ray:on it
  With that Ray runs out of the back door while i go out the big wooden doors.immediately after i close the doors i see them laying down with Chapa i think sleeping or resting her eyes while Bose was just staring at the dark clouds while its now pouring out.Bose sees that I'm here and says
Bose:shhh don't wake her shes had a rough night and got no sleep
Mika:i wont but why are you guys out here getting soaked
Bose:after Chapa ran out she told me why she was crying and how she never got any sleep last night so when we were hugging she fell asleep and i just let the water drops hit my face
Mika:ok well i know that she needs sleep but you guys would get sick so bring her inside we will wrap her in a towel,you too Bose
  Bose carries Chapa inside bridal style and while he does that i get some fresh out of the steamer towels for them.
Mika:so you said that Chapa told you why she ran out and that she had no sleep last night can you explain a little bit more
Bose:i cant explain fully but her parents kicked her out last night and she has no parents for parents night
Mika:OMG shes parentless
Bose:well she has parents but they just kicked her out but the important part is that you cant tell no one
Mika:why not
Bose:because then she is gonna zap me and those hurt plus her powers can kill people so yea
Mika:ok i promise i wont tell anybody
Mika:no problem
  Ray's pov:
I have looked around the whole back of the mountain but i cant find them so i go inside and i see Mika steaming some more towels so i grab one but i also see Chapa sleeping while Bose is holding her so i say
Ray:what happened here
  I say as i point to Bose and a sleeping Chapa
Bose:she fell asleep outside while we were hugging because she didn't get any sleep last night
Ray: why didn't she get any sleep
Bose: she will tell you that when she feels comfortable
Ray:ok wait wheres Miles
Miles:right here
  I scream like a little girl and then i say
Ray:well i have nothing else to tell you guys so you all can go home or stay here and do whatever you want
Bose:i will be here
  Bose's pov:
I decided to stay at swag but my chair is very uncomfortable so i push my button and go up to the mans nest and sit on the couch.just then Chapa wakes up and says
Chapa:that nap felt so good
Bose:i bet is it alright if i go home
Chapa:of course it is
Bose:well see you later Chaps
Chapa:bye Bosey
Chapa:I'll be here
  Chapa's pov:
I was sitting on the mans nest couch for about an hour now and it was still pouring out.darn thunderstorms making an already sad day even sadder
I shout and he comes into the main room
Ray:whats the emergency
Chapa:i was just gonna tell you I'm going home
Ray:ok? You don't have too tell me
Chapa:ok see you tomorrow
Ray:yep bye
  I was going home but i was paying my family a little visit so i walked all the way back too my old house and no one was home so i decided to put on my hood and enter the garage.in the garage i found 2 gasoline canisters so i went in through the garage door so I'm in the house.i cover the whole entire house with gasoline and i light a bolt from my hands,throw it on the kitchen floor,and watch the fire spread from the kitchen to the rest of the house.i quickly exit and run down the street and throw the gasoline cans in the trash then walk through the woods and try not to get caught.well i mean it is 7:24 at night so i have a well chance of not getting caught plus i am wearing all black.once i get through the woods I'm on Mika and Miles's street so i pull my hood down and walk down their street in the pouring rain getting soaked by the rain and my tears.

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