Stars above us prt 2

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The same day:
Miles's pov:
I woke up to Mika not in her bed so i look over and i see Chapa and Bose still sleeping so i go downstairs and i see Mika making waffles and strawberries with whipped cream on top so i say
Miles:hey since your making breakfast should i go wake them up
Mika:if you want i mean they did have a rough day on that mission so i would just wake up Bose and let Chapa sleep
Miles:why not both of them
Mika:because Chapa got stabbed and she has been telling me that the wound has been hurting so i would just let her sleep so shes not in pain
Miles:any other reasons
Mika:yes actually Chapa is very grumpy in the morning if she gets woken up so yea thats all
Miles:ok see ya in a bit
  I go upstairs and back into Mika's room to wake up Bose but He was on his phone scrolling through envy gram with his arm around Chapa while She sleeps peacefully on his chest so i say
Miles:how come whenever your around she's calm
Bose:i don't know i just have my ways
Miles:well is there some way that you can get up without waking her up
Bose:i can try but no guarantee
  Bose's pov:
I try getting up without waking up Chapa but i kinda failed and by that i mean she woke up
Chapa:eh what time is it
She said in her morning voice
Bose:its 7:38am and Mika is making breakfast right now
Chapa:why so early
Bose:don't know but we gotta get ready for Swag because its starts in an hour or two
Bose:i know it sucks but then Ray would raze you about it the next day and you don't want that do you
Chapa:yea lets go get ready
Bose:thats what i thought
She has some trouble with getting up so i say
Bose:need a hand
Chapa:yes please
I help her up and we pick out and outfit,change,and go downstairs for breakfast
Chapa:hey Miles,Mika whats for breakfast
Mika:I'm making waffles with strawberries and whipped cream on top
Bose:oohhh yay
Mika:here are both your plates
Chapa:oh I'm not hungry right now but thank you
Mika:you sure you don't want some
Chapa:I'm sure
Mika:ok just don't complain to me if your hungry later
Chapa:i won't
Bose:why aren't you hungry
Chapa:my stomach is acting up
Chapa's pov:
Chapa:my stomach is acting up
I say as Bose puts his plate in the sink
Bose:ok just making sure
He says as he wraps his arms over my shoulder and hugs me from the back.he then leans down and he kisses my forehead
Bose:just promise me that you will eat something today
Bose says while laying his chin on top of my head
Chapa:i promise i will
Miles:Mika what time is it
Mika:its 7:55am and Swag starts at 9:00 so we got some time
Chapa:sweet oh i almost forgot i need to get my pain killer from my bag be right back
  I go up the stairs and go searching through my bag,after a good 10 minutes i finally found the bottle and i took two like i was prescribed.i go down the steps and find everyone gone which is weird because they were just there so i said
Chapa:where did everyone go
I check outside and i find them on the porch waiting for me
Mika:dang that took a long time
Chapa:the bottle was at the bottom of my bag
Miles:ok welp everyone ready for Swag
Bose:yep so LETS GOOO
  Bose screamed which made my headache worse than it already is but i worked through the pain.We were halfway there when my stomach started to hurt really bad so i stopped walking and clenched my hand over my stomach and everyone was wondering what was wrong
Bose:you ok Chaps
Chapa:yea my stomach just hurts when i walk too much
Bose:i can carry you the rest of the way
Chapa:Its fine we are already over halfway there plus i can push through the pain
Bose:you sure
I stuttered in pain which Bose didn't look to happy that i said it that way
Bose:Mika Miles you go on without us i need to talk with Chapa real quick
Mika&Miles:ok see you there
They leave and i look back at Bose and he has a worried look on his face
Bose:Chaps you can tell me if your in pain or not
Chapa:i know i just don't wanna put the weight all on you
Bose:Chapa its fine I'm ok with it
  Bose's pov:
Bose:yes now tell me,pain level 1-10 how bad is it
Chapa:like an 8
Bose:did you take your 2 pain killers
Chapa:yes i did
Bose:ok now do you feel sick at all
Chapa: a little why
Bose:just making sure
I see Chapa trying so hard not to clench her stomach even more but then i see her cover her mouth and run to the trash can right next to us.I run over there and rub her back in circles while she does her thing.She then looks back up and wipes her mouth then she says
Chapa:lets go to swag before i puke again
Bose:good idea
  After the walk and the kids are in swag:
Miles:so what did yalls two talk about this morning on the walk
Bose:just checking if she needed to stay at you guys's house or not
Bose:because she threw up and her stomach pain was an 8 out of 10
Miles:yikes Chapa are you sure you don't need us to find an excuse for you to sleep
Chapa:I'm sure Im "The Fighter" on the team according to Bose
Mika:yea you are you legit survived from a stabbing
Chapa:yes i did now what did yalls think of last nights ne-
after Ray said that Chapa groaned and started to hold her head in her hands so i go upstairs to the mans nest and grab her a glass of water to drink.after i come back down i set the water on her desk and she says
Chapa:your legit the best boyfriend ever but how did you know i was about to grab water
Bose:your my best friend and my girlfriend i think i know when you need water
Chapa:thanks by the way
Bose:ya welcome
I said like she did when we all joined howdy and the first time in a while i saw her smile which resulted in my starting to blush again so i quickly smile back and hide my face.As we listen to Ray teach i turn around and i see Chapa sleeping on her desk
After Swag:
No ones pov:
Its been 12 hours since they arrived at Swag and they all went Home,well most of them,Bose and Chapa go outside and walk all the way behind the swellview sign where you see a perfect view of the midnight stars.They lay  down on the blanket they brought and look up at the stars.Both of them drift in and out of sleep and their last words before they slept the night were
Chapa:i love you Bosey
Bose:i love you too Chaps

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