My everything

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The next morning,
No one's pov:
The two teens that were behind the swellview sign woke up with each others arms wrapped around each other.The brown eyed girl looked up at the blonde haired boy and said
Chapa:what time is it
She said in her morning voice
Bose:eh its around 7:30 why
Chapa:Wanna go on a walk with me
Bose:sure but where too
Chapa:just underneath a bridge
Bose:why underneath it
Chapa:you'll see just can you help me get up please
  The blonde boy helped up the brown haired girl from the ground and they started walking
  Chapa's pov:
I was walking with Bose to let him know where I'm living because he has been asking me non stop on where i live so i decided to finally take him to my bridge that i live under.sure it gets a little noisy during the day because of cars but honestly its my home now and i just have to deal with it.
Bose:so where is this so called bridge
Chapa:well its on the swellview border
Chapa:why do you ask
Bose:oh just wondering because we still have swag
Chapa:oh shit I totally forgot about swag and its already 7:50,we have to be there at 8 damn my mind was way off
Bose:well Chaps you know we still have after swag to walk to the bridge
Chapa:Ik lets just get going to swag good thing we are only 5 minutes away
Bose:yep we are
So my plan back fired but i have a back up plan,That is after swag me and Bose are gonna walk to my home but ima surprise him with a cute little fun star gazing date because i know he loves looking at the stars and if its daytime then the clouds.We finally arrive at Swag and we were right on time but we were also out of breath too because we had to run,yea we are some slow walkers.Mika asked us why we were out of breath but Ray said it before she could even get a word in.
Ray:why are yalls outa breath
Bose's pov:
Chapa:we can speak how we speak MIKA
Chapa says like she did when they found Mika's dads saddle which i chuckled at in which Chapa questioned
Chapa:whats funny
Bose:the way you said her name
Chapa:what when i aggressively blinked my eyes
Miles:the heart says what it says Mika just deal with it
Ray:yea Mika
Chapa:what they said
Mika:ughhhh yalls are the worst
Chapa:enough with the grammar MIKA
Miles:yea Mika
Mika:ughhhhh I'm going up to the mans nest
Ray:yee whatever
Mika hits her button on her chair and is lifted up to the mans nest
Ray:yalls can do whatever you want since she stormed out plus its already been around 8 hours since yalls have been here so get up and get moving
Miles:its 9:30 already
Chapa:yee bruva
All of a sudden Mika comes back down to swag and says
Mika:watch your mouth mister
Chapa:damn is technically not a swear
Mika:its still a bad word so watch it
Miles:no promises
Bose:oh Chapa are we still walking to the swellview border
Chapa:yee just one sec i need Miles to teleport me somewhere then we can walk there
Bose:why cant he teleport us both there
Chapa:because we are slow walkers and it gets us some time to spend with each other
Bose:true facts
Miles:well where do you need me to take you
Chapa:swellview border i need to check on something
Miles:ok be back in a jiffy Bose
Bose:ta ta
Miles teleports Chapa to swellview border and then they come back after a good two minutes
Chapa:Bose you can now walk with me
Bose:ok poop ya later Miles
Miles:Poop ya
Chapa and i start walking with our hands intertwined man i love Twine anyway we walk for a little while and she has us stop so she can put a blindfold on me.
Chapa's pov:
We walk over halfway there when i stop him so i can put a blindfold on him
Bose:is this blindfold necessary like i would like to see
Chapa:then whats the point of a surprise
Bose:never mind then
I bring him a little bit farther and we are now in front of my home so i say
Chapa:on 3 ima take your blindfold ok
I take off his blindfold and he takes a good look around the underneath of the bridge.Immediately when he realized that this is a date he covers his mouth and looks at me.i say
Bose:you did all of this
After i say that he hugs me as tight as he can which is kinda blocking my airways so i start coughing.Bose notices and he loosens his grip.then after we hug he stares into my eyes and passionately kisses me with no hesitation at all.After the kiss we both were a blushing mess but thats fine,anyways i guide him over to a little fort with fairy lights on the rim of the bridge which then he says
Bose:this is really where you are living
Chapa:why do you not like it,damn it Chapa you knew he wouldn't like it so why did you do it anyways
Bose:i don't like it....i love it just like i love you
Chapa:thanks,i love you too Bosey
Chapa:so shall we look at the stars
Bose:we shall its a good thing that its gorgeous outside
Chapa:we are lucky
  Bose's pov:
Our hands are still intertwined while we lay down looking up into the beautiful stars especially with the person i love the was dead silent until i say
Bose:i love you my little monster
Chapa:i love you too my little peanut
  We both look at each other and laugh our asses off until it started to rain and lightning out which i was kinda bummed about but we were underneath a bridge so no worries.I look down and i see Chapa stand up and go out in the pouring rain and shoot a bolt at the sky making the lightning red.she then starts dancing in the rain but i didn't want her to get sick so i go out in the rain and we start doing dances.
Bose:you think i would let you get sick by yourself
Bose:that aint how it works,if you go down then i go down too
  She then stops dancing and i do the same,we meet eye to eye and then we kiss.this is what I've dreamed of,just me in Chapa in the rain and my dream has came true
  Chapa's pov:
Me and Bose went back to dancing and we have been doing it for the past 10 minutes now and we see the archduke and his posse so we both look at each other and nod before heading their direction.
Chapa:hello um archduke me and my boyfriend have a quick question for either one of you three
Archduke:ok what is it
Bose:we were just wondering if one of you  can take a picture of us
Archduke:for what do you need a picture of yourselves for
Chapa:we do this for memories
Archduke:well then if it makes memories then i will take a picture of you guys
Chapa:ok thanks
Me and Bose both stand there in the rain while the archduke takes a picture of us which he did a good job so me and Bose both say
Chapa&Bose:thanks again
Archduke:well no problem kids enjoy the rest of your night
Bose:you too
We then walk away from the archduke and sit back down on our little fort and cuddle till the sun comes up but right as we were about to sleep i said to Bose
Chapa:you know your my everything,i love you peanut
Bose:i love you too my little monster
  We then close our eyes still cuddling and waiting for the morning to come around

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