The fighter

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No ones pov:
The four people rush into the mans nests infirmary while laying the red clothed member down on one of the tables and calling for the scientist.As the scientist comes in he sees blood all over the blue clothed hero's suit and gasps as he see's the red clothed hero on an infirmary bed with blood all over her too.he quickly reacts to the blood by getting a disinfectant wipe and wiping her suit and hands.lets go into a flashback to see what happened to the red clothed hero to make her bleed
Brainstorm's pov:
We got an emergency saying how Drex was at the local park scaring children so we all got suited up and went down there.
Cap man:stop right there Drex
Drex:well well well if it isn't captain man and dan-VOLT HOW DARE YOU BETRAY ME
Volt:i can do whatever i want its my life
Cap man:ooh family fight ima stay back
Shoutout:not the time
Drex:any ways what are you doing working with HIM i thought you were a villain
Volt:i WAS a villain till a very brave person told me "Villains are just misunderstood hero's and you aren't miss understood"
Volt looks over at me and smiles so i smile back.Gosh that smile is so beautiful she then looks back and Drex says
Drex:thats the most stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life,I'm not a misunderstood hero
When Drex said that it got Volts blood boiling so she walked up to Drex and immediately she started screaming and her hands were sparking.then she said
Drex:yes he is just look at how he's sitting down watching us bicker and doing nothing he is obviously stupid enough to do that
When he said that Volts electricity got stronger and stronger in her hands.We all heard her scream on the top of her lungs and once i heard her scream i stood up and said
Brainstorm:so while i check out whats wrong with Volt you guys go take care of Drex
They started fighting Drex so i go on my knees and fall by Volts side and i try to calm her down from screaming and crying but she couldn't stop so i hugged her.She started to calm down but she still had a couple of tears escaping from her eyes and roll down her cheeks.I looked back up to her,wiped her tears with my thumbs,and held her hands which resulted in her wincing in pain so i looked down at her hands and saw that her electricity burnt thru her gloves and burnt her hands to the point where they were gushing blood all over the place so i took my gloves off and put them on Volt.when i did she looked up at me and smiled so i decided to say
Brainstorm:have i told you how beautiful your smile is and how you rock the look of oversized gloves
Volt smiled and chuckled at me.she also said
Volt:No to both of those but i always rock over sized gloves
Volt and i laughed a little then i said
Brainstorm:so you ready to fight now
Volt:yes i am but can you help me up please
Brainstorm:yes i can
  I help her up then we get into our fighting stances and start charging at Drex.unfortunately he see's us and when we are right in front of him he uses a punch combination at Volt and its now a one on one battle,Volt.vs.Drex.i was trying to help fight with her but she just yelled
Volt:Brainstorm just listen to me and get out of here
As she said that Drex quickly pulled out a pocket knife and stabbed her right in her stomach and then he dipped but i didn't care i just ran over too her and started crying my heart out while she was on the ground,unconscious.
Shoutout:Brainstorm she will be alright
Brainstorm:YOU DON'T KNOW THAT NOW COME ON VOLT STAY WITH ME i love you too much for you to die on me now please......wake up for me
   I said as i sobbed into her chest
Awol:i will teleport us back too the mans nest so Schwoz can help us
Cap man:yea you do that
  End of flashback:
No ones pov:
So now we know how the red clothed hero got hurt and why her hands were all burnt (i am so sorry for the rhyming it just came into my brain so i wrote it).The scientist then walked over to his desk and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen,He then asked what happened so The blue clothed hero explained everything to him.The scientist was in shock because he never believe her own dad would do this too her but this was Drex they were talking about.The scientist asked the silver clothed hero along with the yellow clothed hero to de transform and go home for the day while he cleans up the blue clothed hero and the red clothed hero.The twins in silver and yellow agreed,de-transformed,and went home for the day still worried if their friend was gonna make it or not and if their other friend would get over her if she died.
Little later that night
   Chapa's pov:
I was starting to slowly open my eyes and at first all i saw was a bright light but when my eyes fully adjust i can see that i was in the infirmary with Bose crying into my hand saying "I hope you wake up soon" over and over again every minute.i decided i should surprise him by saying
Chapa:wow you must've missed me a lot
And with that he excitedly grabbed my cheeks and kissed first i was shocked but then i just kissed back
Chapa:so whats up
Bose:what do you mean
Chapa:you only kiss me when I'm feeling down or when your excited so whats up
Bose:oh well i was just so excited to see that you were alive after Drex stabbed you
I noticed that as he said that his cheeks got red so i decided to tease him a little bit
Chapa:blushing are we
Bose:what? No no ME blushing No
Chapa:well if you aren't blushing then why are your cheeks beet red
Bose:its just hot in here
Chapa:really cause the thermostat says its only 68 degrees in here so
Bose:fine you caught me
Chapa:Bose i knew you were blushing i just wanted to tease you about it a little
  I say as i play with his hair a little
Bose:so hows the wound
Chapa:hurts a lot but thats gonna make a sick scar
Bose:then everyone's gonna know you as "The fighter" on the team maybe even strangers will call you that
Chapa:yea maybe...
There was this awkward silence so i said
Chapa:hey is it alright if i go to bed
Bose:yea just if you need anything i will be here
Chapa:no you wont
Bose:yes i am
Chapa:Bose no you aren't you have to get some sleep
Bose:i can stay up
Chapa:Bosey its already 10:53 at night you need sleep
Bose:but i don't wanna leave you
Chapa:fine then if you wont sleep at your own house then you can sleep here
I say as i scooch over and pat down the seat next to me
Bose:fine but while I'm gone getting a blanket you better not get stuck in anything
Chapa:i promise that I won't
Bose:ok be right back
  After Bose gets back with the blanket and another pillow we just sit there cuddling in silence until we fall asleep in each others arms

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