Im a Goner

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Chapa's pov:
I woke up in the hospital and everyone on the team were surrounding me including doctors
Chapa:what?why are yalls staring at me
Mika:Chapa,Henry called Ray saying that you were seizing in your sleep so we all rushed to the hospital
Chapa:Where is he
Henry:right here
Chapa:i don't say this too often but thanks and i love you bro
Henry:i love you too sis
Doctors:well your good to go but i am sending you special medication for the seizures because you might come across them again
The doctors leave the room and i pull the covers off of me,go to the edge of the bed,and grab Henry's shoulder so i can get up
Henry:need help
Chapa:i got it
Once i got up i started walking but then i stumbled a bit but was fine
Henry:you sure
Chapa:I'm good i need to regain my strength by myself but thanks
Henry:no problem
Everyone follows me out the door and to Ray's man van.The team and i get into the van.I immediately noticed that Bose was not in the van with us
Chapa:where's Bose?
Miles:he didn't wanna see you like that so he stayed at the mans nest
  3 minutes later:
We arrived at the mans nest and went up the mountain while we got closer we heard muffled cries coming from inside.Once we got to the glass doors i opened it and saw Bose on the couch crying while Schwoz was trying to comfort him.I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him,i kissed his head and he just said
Bose:go away I'm not in the mood
Chapa:its just me peanut
  After i said that he shot up,looked behind him and his face just went from sad to cheery.he jumped over the back of the couch and hugged me while burying his face into the crook of my neck
Bose:i thought you were a Goner
Chapa:I'm never a Goner I'm always a fighter(if you remember from the Chapter The Fighter then you know what i mean)
Bose:yea you are
Schwoz:glad you are back
Chapa:thanks but i have to sit down i have this roaring headache and i feel like i have to puke any second now
Bose:here take my spot
Chapa:naw its fine i will sit next to you though
I sit down next to Bose on the couch and i lean my head on his shoulder while he puts his arm around me.
7 long hours later:
Chapa:let me go get something
I said while jumping over the back of the couch
I go over to the thermostat and it reads 47 degrees so i turn it up to 60 degrees but its still cold so i go over to my bag and grab the sweatshirt that Bose gave me.I go back over to the couch and Bose turned and looked at me
Bose:nothing your just beautiful
I then looked down because i don't want him to notice me blushing.
Bose:blushing are we
I then put my hood up and pull the strings
Bose:whats wrong
Chapa:I don't want you to see me blushing
Chapa:hey what time is it
Bose:its 3:00pm
Chapa:i need to take my pills and where are they
Bose:weren't they just in your bag
Chapa:their not anymore
Bose:where could they be
Chapa:let me go check the kitchen
Bose:i will help you look
1 hour later:
Chapa:we have looked everywhere
Bose:why can't we find the pills
The others come in the main room and find us pacing around the room
Mika:whats wrong
Chapa:we can't find my pills
Ray:what pills
Bose's pov:
Emergency 🚨:
Ray:k everyone suit up
Chapa:Mika whats the emergency
Mika:Dr.Minyak is at an abandoned warehouse on 445 chestnut avenue
Chapa then steps back in fear
Bose:hey hey hey dont worry you stay here
Ray:Bose she has to go with us
Miles:yea she is apart of the team
Bose:don't you see her scared face and look her hands are shaking
I said while holding up her hand
Bose:she is obviously scared to go back there
Ray:i know for a fact that she wasn't there before
Ray:remember what
Ray:oh well in that case i guess she can stay here
Chapa:b-but i d-don't wanna leave y-you guys t-too do all t-the w-work
Mika:Chapa its fine we will make sure Minyak goes to jail this time
Everyone goes off to the abandoned warehouse but a part of me is missing,like i just got stabbed in the heart.once we reached the warehouse and kick the door down Dr.Minyak notices that one of us is missing
Minyak:wheres the red one was she too scared to come back here
Brainstorm:Yes actually but this time you will go to jail
Minyak:well then bring it on
We start fighting and in the middle of it i bump into someone.
Volt:couldn't let you guys have all the fun
Brainstorm:aren't you supposed to be resting
Volt:here don't read it till I'm Gone
Brainstorm:ok? So what brings you around
Volt:i will tell you after i beat the shit out of Minyak
She stops fighting and walks over to Minyak, she then punches him
Volt:remember me maniac
   She said In her rude voice
Minyak:its MINYAK
Volt:i know i was being disrespectful
Minyak:ok now done with the talking its fighting time
20 minutes later:
Volt threw a hard punch towards Minyak's jaw and he was off to dream land.I also saw her bend down and start coughing very hard to the point where she went to the corner and started throwing up
Volts pov:
I started to throw up in a corner of the warehouse because i was coughing too much.Brainstorm came over and started patting my back saying
Brainstorm:let it all out its ok
I then come back up and wipe my mouth.Brainstorm pulls me into a hug then quickly pulls away
Brainstorm:Volt you need to take your pills or else you could die
Volt:look we should probably help the others because they are having a hard time beating that goon
Brainstorm:ok lets go help them
8 minutes later:
We finished beating all of the goons and i know that i only have 2 minutes.i then start to cough even harder now and everyone saw me.A minute later I'm still coughing but i start coughing up blood and thats what triggered Bose into Boyfriend mode
Brainstorm:Volt are you ok
I couldn't answer so he just panicked even more
Brainstorm:Volt please answer me are you ok
Volt:look at the note once i'm gone
I then drop to the ground and start seizing again but i knew that my 30 minutes were up so i gave into death
Mika's pov:
Everyone had managed to de transform in time to see Chapa drop to the ground and start seizing again.I quickly reacted by checking her pulse
I then hold her in place but that was the worse thing I could've done.I start to see her foam at the mouth so i then stood up and say
Mika:I'm sorry but i couldn't do nothing to save her
Bose:no..No this can't be she has to be alive
Mika:Bose i don't mean to scare you but once she foams at the mouth there is nothing you could do
Bose:Mika you are lying Chapa can't be dead
I then stood there staring into his eyes with tears in mine.He then dropped to his knees sobbing and i wanted to comfort him but i saw this note in his pocket so i grabbed it.
Mika:whats this note
Bose:Chapa gave me saying t-to open it...when she was gone
Mika:may i
Bose didn't respond but nodded in agreement
The note:
Hello Bosey when i die i just want to tell you i love you and that your the best boyfriend ever,i don't know what i would do without you during the darkest days you've helped me.Tell Mika that she was my bestfriend and that I'm sorry I'm leaving her to deal with Miles.Tell Miles that i've never had a friend like him,he made me laugh when i didn't have enough courage to.Tell Ray and Schwoz that they were the best teachers and co workers that i've ever had.I love you Bosey
Luv Chapa dasilva
After i read that everyone looked so sad
Mika:she knew that she was gonna die
Mika:she wrote this note because she knew that she wouldn't have enough time to say goodbye to all of us
We all heard someone calling Chapa's phone.i looked and it was Henry so i picked up the phone and answered
Mika:hi Henry
I tried to sound happy but he noticed that something was wrong.
Henry:Mika?whats wrong?
Mika:its best if you come down to the abandoned warehouse on 445 chestnut avenue
Henry:why is everything ok
Mika:No its Chapa
Henry:ok I'm on my way and I'm bringing my family too
I say nothing so i just hang up
3 minutes later:
I see a car pull up and Henry's family including him barge in not caring that the door just broke off
Henry:Mika what's wro-
We all heard Piper scream at the top of her lungs because she saw Chapa's lifeless body on the ground
Henry:Piper why did you scre-
Mika:she started having another seizure and i tried all that i could to save her but i couldn't do much
Jake:so your telling me Chapa's...Dead
I nodded and Henry just collapsed to the ground crying while his family were sobbing behind him trying to comfort each other
Mika:guys I'm so sorry
Mrs.H:its not your fault Mika just how did you know when she was dead
Mika:she started to foam at the mouth but she knew she was gonna die
Jake:I'm sorry what
Mika:she knew she was gonna die.She knew she only had 30 minutes to live but the sad thing is
Piper:go on
Mika:is that normally it takes 15 minutes to start foaming at the mouth but it took 2 so she gave in to death,she let death win,she didn't even try to fight back
After i said that everyone was quiet
Henry:ima go home and go cry in my bedroom for a week
Piper:me to
Everyone:yea same
So thats what we did,we all went home and sobbed in our bedrooms.Me and Miles were a wreck,same with Ray and Schwoz but too everyone's surprise Bose never said a word since Chapa died and we were all worried about him and how he is holding up with the situation.But now there was nothing we could do.She was gone for good.Bose came over to the mans nest couch and said
Bose:before i thought she was a Goner but she said that she was a fighter.Now i think that if she was a fighter then she would fight back,and that she wouldn't just give in.
He paused for a second then said
Bose:if she was a fighter then why didn't she fight back.I love you Chapa
Chapa:I love you to Bosey

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