I will always love you

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No one's pov:
Chapa woke up in her chair with sadness and tiredness in her eyes.She pushed the button on her chair and headed up to mans nest infirmary to see how the brunette haired boy was doing.once she reached the doors she heard talking so she opened the doors and found Schwoz and Bose talking about how danger force is.Chapa walks over too The sitting up Bose,grabs his chin,and kisses him.Bose is at first shocked but just kisses back.after a good minute or 2 the boy pulls away with his eyes wide open and his mouth hanging open.
Bose's pov:
I was still shocked after Chapa kissed me so i stared at her with my eyes wide and my mouth hanging open
Chapa:nothing just didn't want you to almost die again
Bose:oh thanks i guess
Chapa:look i get it if you want to break up with me after what i did with you it was totally wrong of me to do tha-
Before she finishes her sentence i grab both of her cheeks and pull her in for another kiss.after the kiss i pull away and Chapa is shocked like i was.She just looked at me then at the wall and said
Chapa:was not expecting that
While pointing towards me
Bose:now you know how i feel when you do that to me
Schwoz then says
Schwoz:well if thats going on then byeee
Schwoz leaves and we hear him say
Schwoz:that was gross
Bose:hey your lucky we didn't do anything worse!
Schwoz:yea thanks!
Chapa:your welcome!
Bose:so whats wrong
Chapa:I'm perfectly fine why would you say that
Bose:you've got this tired and sad look in your eye
When i said that she just fiddled with her bracelet on her wrist and looked down to her feet.I start rubbing her back and then said
Bose:tell me whats wrong i won't laugh
Chapa:well i fell asleep in my chair at Swag and i felt bad for almost killing you so i fell asleep around 4:00am
Bose:awww little monster you need sleep
Chapa:I'm good
Bose:Chaps its 7:24am you only got 3 hours of sleep,thats not good so go to sleep
Chapa:3 hours is long enough for me now what do you wanna do
Bose:Chapa don't try to change the subject now come here
I then pat the spot next to me for her to sit.After she sits facing me i grab her hands and say
Bose:look somethings wrong and i know it what i also know is that you can tell me anything
Chapa:Well my family that adopted me showed up and took me from Ray but now i feel bad because i burnt their house down without hearing the full story
Bose:so you were the one who burnt the house
Bose:carry on
Chapa:well after i pushed them out the door i kinda got slapped again by Ray
Bose:come here
I then hold out my arms for a hug but she looks down once again but this time crying and trying not to make a sound
Bose:hey hey shhh don't cry
Chapa:I literally almost killed you and I can't shake off that factor
Bose:well looky here I'm still alive and healthy
  I said while Chapa looks into my eyes
Bose:now tell me why are you crying
Chapa:its just sometimes i feel like i don't belong in the world
Bose:why would you think that everyone belongs in this world even the villains
Chapa:my life is just a mess
Bose:mine is too but that doesn't stop me from doing anything
Chapa:look maybe your mom was right
Bose:right with what
Chapa:that I'm a dangerous,broken person
Bose:i don't wanna get you even more worked up so this time accept my hug it will help you
I once again hold out my arms and this time i can actually embrace her
Chapa:so i get it if you wanna break up with me
Bose:im not breaking up with you
Chapa:wait so you love me again
Bose:i will always love you
I said as i pull away from the hug and kiss her forehead and that resulted in Chapa bursting out laughing so i did too.we were laughing for 5 minutes till we heard the twins come through the doors.
Miles:hey Guys
Mika:Bose your ok
Bose:yep and Schwoz said that i can fight crime with you guys straight away
Miles:glad to hear that man
Mika:so whatcha guys wanna do
Chapa:really it has to be right now
Mika:lets just blow and go
Everyone blows a bubble,goes to the computer,and sees what the crime is
Chapa:some people are trying to rob a bank
Bose:any other people there
Chapa:yes they have 5 hostages
Miles:well we need to save them so everyone grab ahold
Miles teleports everyone to the bank and we see 5 armed robbers each person holding one hostage.We all decided that before we left we wouldn't have Ray come with us but now everyone is regretting that decision.
Shoutout:Stop what your doing
R#1:And if we don't
Awol:then we will take you to jail
The robbers start laughing at us saying
Robbers:like you four kids can stop 5 grownups by yourselves ha id like to see it
Somehow Chapa didn't react to it and walked over to a pillow that was on a couch,put it over her face and screamed bloody murder in which we all can hear pretty clearly.She then throws the pillow back on the couch and stands next to me in her fighting stance.
Brainstorm:what was that for
Brainstorm:damn girl don't need to yell
Robber1:um excuse me but while i finish robbing the bank Billy,Dan,Jim,and Mike will take care of you
Shoutout:fine by us now its a fair fight
We all charge at each other but i stop when i see Dan pull out dirt from his pocket and Chapa steps back
Dan:Are you scared of dirt
Volt:before no but after Dr.Minyak buried me yes
Dan:good for him
Dan:what at least your alive unlike the others
Volt:w-wait he d-did this to o-others and t-they d-d-died
Volt:No but your gonna be
Dan:what how
Right after he finished Volt punched his right ear but right after she did that Dan grabbed a gun,pinned Volt to a wall by her neck and pointed the gun up to her forehead.
Dan:whatcha gonna do now
Dan waved the gun around saying
Dan:nobody moves and This puny little troublemaker will get a brain full of bullet
Volt struggled to get out of Dans grip
Volt:man my luck is the literal worst
Volt:hey Dan have you ever heard of a scorpion
Dan:well yea why
Volt:you always watch out for its tail
Before he could even blink Volt lifts her legs up to her chest and Kicks Dan in his chest in which resulted in him falling backwards.Volt then twists his arm to the point where he is tapping out but it was too late volt broke his arm.Dan screamed out it pain but all i could think of is 'get the gun volt'.To everyones luck she grabbed the gun and put it in her belt.She reaches for her handcuffs and walks towards the guy walking towards the door,sweeps his legs from right under him and cuffs him.Police arrive and take the five robbers away to jail and while they do that Awol teleports us back to the mans nest,de transforms,and everyone sits down on the couch
Bose:this was a rough day
Chapa:im never doing that again
Chapa said while she was sprawled out on the floor
Miles:why are you on the floor
Chapa:because i feel dead but im alive
Miles:feel ya
Mika:Chapa what you did you need to teach me because that was badass
Chapa:a dangerous person never reveals her secrets and thanks
She said while smiling
Mika:aww you have such a pretty smile you should smile more
Chapa then turns her smile into an angry face and then Mika says
Mika:or not you know anger is a great look too
Chapa:yea thanks
Mika:your welcome?
Bose:I'm gonna go get puree wanna come with
Everyone goes out of the mans nest and heads off to hip hop puree to all get blended food to drink because after that mission their throats are dry.The whole way back was silent well except the slurping of everyone drinking the last bits of their drinks.We walk into the distance together with each others hand in hand

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