Sleeping in a coffin

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⚠️TW:might have some dark scenes so read if you like⚠️
Chapa's pov:
I woke up with a massive headache and the hearing of footsteps so i look up but my vision is blurry so i couldn't make out the person in front of me.I see the black figure starting to get closer too me with some other people around him.My vision starts to adjust to where i am and all i see is Dr.Minyak and his goons right in front of my face,he then said
Dr.M:nice of you too wake up
Chapa:where am i
Dr.M:Somewhere in the middle of nowhere but thats not important right now
Chapa:and what is
Dr.M:its that i know that your Volt from Danger force
Chapa:wait what how do you know that
Dr.M:Drex told me and the other villains that his daughter became volt again and betrayed him
Chapa:get to the point
Dr.M:well basically he said he wanted revenge and he showed us villains a picture of you
Chapa:Oh now i get it your gonna use that   Contraption over there to take revenge on me
  I then hear banging on the door and Bose's voice
Dr.M:who is at the door,goons go look
Goons:you got it
The goons come back and they give a grief description of who is at the door
Goons:Its a boy wearing a tan sweatshirt with blue jeans
Bose's outfit👇🏻(without the sunglasses)

M:who is at the door,goons go lookGoons:you got it The goons come back and they give a grief description of who is at the doorGoons:Its a boy wearing a tan sweatshirt with blue jeans Bose's outfit👇🏻(without the sunglasses)

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I hear Bose trying to kick down the door but is unsuccessful but as he is doing that Dr.Minyak says
Chapa:um w-whats phase 2
Dr.M:burying you alive not deep enough to kill you just so you feel very uncomfortable
  Bose says from outside of the door
Dr.M:goons untie her and bring her into the coffin
Goons:you got it
The goons untie me and drag me over to the coffin but while they were dragging me i was screaming my heart out also while crying.They place me inside the coffin and Before i could get out they drill it closed,bring it over to the giant hole,place the coffin in the hole,and start putting dirt back.i started to hyperventilate because I'm claustrophobic and i HATE small spaces.I hear a large bang and Dr.Minyaks voice saying.
Bose:my name is Bose not Boy and I'm not answering that
Dr.M:fine but if you want your friend back then your gonna have to get through me and my goons first
Bose:fine by me
Bose's pov:
I started fighting all four of them by myself which was a little bit hard but if its for Chapa then i will do it.I knocked out 2 of them now two more to go.
5 hours later:
I ended up beating and knocking out all of the villains and now i just have to find out where Chapa is.
Bose: if i were trapped in a coffin then where would i be
I check the time on my phone and it says the time is 6:43pm WAIT CHAPA HAS BEEN GONE FOR OVER 7 HOURS OH GOSH I NEED TO FIND HER.i wondered if she still has her phone so i call her but she doesn't answer so she must not have it on her.After that i call Mika too have everyone come down here
Mika:Hey Bosey whatcha need
Bose:i need everyone to come down to the abandoned warehouse
Mika:what street
Bose:the first warehouse on 445 chestnut avenue
Mika:ok be right there do you want us to transform
Bose:no and hurry Chapa's life is at risk
Mika:ok be right there Bye
5 minutes later:
I hear the others coming in so i run up to them and say
Bose:so i fought all of the goons including Dr.Minyak and now all we need to do is find Chapa
Mika:do you have an idea of where she is
Bose:um i think they buried her in a coffin
Bose:i already checked everywhere in this warehouse and i couldn't find her plus i saw them putting dirt over a coffin through the window
Ray:well why didn't you do something
Bose:the door was barricaded by heavy stuff
Mika:stop bickering we need to find Chapa she might be dead by now
Miles:your right ok lets start searching
While Miles and Ray search the left side of the warehouse me and Mika search the other side.we were checking for a good minute or two when suddenly Mika trips because there was an indent in the floor which was covered in dirt.
Bose:hey you ok
Mika:yea i am but why is the floor indented and covered in dirt
Bose:i do not kno-OMG DO YOU THINK
Mika:that Chapa could be in there
Miles:wait really
Mika:why would the floor be indented and covered in dirt
Ray:well everyone grab a shovel and start digging
Everyone starts to dig and the farther down we dig the clearer we could hear Chapa screaming and crying.I just want to  hug her and never let go but for that to happen we need to dig and never stop so thats what we did.
We finally got to the coffin but it was drilled shut so I carefully used my powers and they fly off the top.we all hear Chapa say
I quickly open the top to see her lying there on her side with her back fully up against the other side of the coffin and her knees in her chest.i can see tears forming in my eyes because i hate seeing her like eyes start to get blurry while a single tear runs down my right cheek.
Mika notices and comes over to me saying
Mika:shes gonna be alright Bose lets just pull her out so we can get back to Swag
Bose:your right
Me and Mika pull her out of the coffin and we can both tell that she is shaking because she is scared so i wrap her in a hug to try to calm her down but she keeps hyperventilating more and more while holding back her hair.She then drops to the ground still holding her hair thank god she didn't go unconscious.She then turns her hyperventilating into a panic attack and has pure worry in her eyes so i go down my knees and holds her hands saying
Bose:its gonna be alright in the end Chapa just breath in and out
She didn't listen so i just hugged her and that also didn't work so i just put her hand to my chest and said
Bose:breathe to my heart and out
That ended up working and after she started to calm down she immediately wrapped me in a tight hug.
Chapa:remind me to never go on walks alone ever again
She said while looking up at me still in the hug
Bose:i promise i will never let you go on walks by yourself ever again
I said while looking down at her while my arms still embrace her.We look at each other for a while and then we have a small gentle kiss on the lips.
Bose:do you know how long i've been waiting for that today
Chapa:let me guess while i was gone for over 7 hours
Bose:how did you know
Chapa:lucky guess
Bose:so i know you probably don't want to but we have to go back to Swag because there is no way in hell I'm leaving you at your home by yourself
Bose:no buts because we all are going back with no excuses this time
She said as she fake pouts
Mika:ok now that we got Chapa out of that coffin I'm calling the police on the way to Swag
Miles:i guess i have to teleport back
Mika:nope we are walking again
Time skip:everyone is in the mans nest while Bose and Chapa are in her room trying to fall asleep,
Bose:Ray needs to start being nicer
I said and Chapa was drifting in and out of sleep
Chapa:yep thats great peanut tell me more
She said in her sleepy voice but she told me to tell her more so i did
Bose:i mean he is so mean to us and half of the time he doesn't even pay us for all of our hard work on missions like dude come on and do your par-Chaps you listening
Chapa:I'm listening I'm just resting my eyes
Bose:look if you wanna sleep then you can i get it
Chapa:I'm fine just keeping talking
Bose:ok if you say so
Bose:so as i was saying like dude come on and do your part before we all decide to quit one day
  I then feel a little bit heavier on my chest so i look down and see Chapa sleeping peacefully so i just wrap my one arm around her while putting the blanket over us.Once i lay down and my head hits the pillow my eyes suddenly get heavy so i give in to sleep
Midnight 🕛:
In my sleep i could feel the weight off my chest go away and i feel someone breathing really hard so i wake up and look to my left.As i do that i see Chapa hugging her knees as she has another panic attack.I side hug her and ask her
Bose:Chapa are you ok why are you breathing heavy again
She doesn't reply back so i get up and go get water for her.After i come back i see that she has calmed down a lot but she is still hugging her knees like her life's depended on it.i hand her the water and she drinks it,and places it back on the nightstand after a couple of sips.
  I lay back down on the bed asking
Bose:so wanna tell me why your still hugging your knees like your life is at risk
Chapa:i-i h-had a n-nightmare
Bose:what about
Chapa:a-about what h-happened t-t-today at the w-warehouse
Bose:Chaps its ok they aren't gonna do that to you again
Chapa:how do you know that
Bose:look Mika called the police and him and the goons are in jail under security watch
Bose:yes now lay down and go back to sleep
Bose:night little monster love you
Chapa:love you too peanut

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