Silent tears

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The same day the fire happened:
Miles's pov:
We were all in class that night with our parents waiting for ray to come in when a news alert came in about a house caught on fire,i looked closer and closer at the house and OHHH THATS CHAPA'S HOUSE,I GOTTA GO WARN HER
Miles:Chapa your house caught on fire
Chapa:i know
She said in a subtle tone
Miles:what how would you know you're here right now OMG YOUR THE ONE WHO WHAT CHAPA THATS ILLEGAL,I GOTTA GO TELL RAY
Ray:tell me what
Miles:that Chapa bur-
Chapa:burned you so bad yesterday
Ray:yea whatever
Mika:hey Ray you might wanna take a look on the news a house burnt down
Bose:do you know what house burnt
Mika:no i couldn't get a close look
Miles:*mumbling* i know who's house it is
Bose:what did you say Miles
Mary:Breaking news a house burnt down at the end of the 3rd captain man street the house number was 28
Trent:no people or animals were in the building but the house was covered in gasoline then set on fire
Mary:we have no other news so we are just gonna sit here quietly
Ray turns off the news and everyone including me looks at Chapa
Mika:Chapa why aren't you running back home your HOUSE JUST BURNT DOWN
Chapa:i know
She said in that same cool tone like she did before
Bose:"i know" are you really that serious what if your family was in there
Chapa:i would say meh shrug my shoulders and leave
Bose:sorry i forgot
Chapa:i know
Dang why does she always use that cool tone
Mika:your up too something
Chapa:maybe i am maybe I'm not
Chapa:ima go get ready for parents night
Mika:yea same
Bose:me three
Miles:me four
Ray:yea I'm bored so me five
We all walk out and go and tell our parents to get out of the closet and go back into the classroom .Ray pretended to walk in the big wooden doors in his teacher outfit while everybody sat down in chairs
Everyone:yeaaa whaoo
Ray:so too start off the night i would like too get a photo with everyone in it so schwoz can you take a picture of everyone that would be great
Schwoz:yea sure no problem Ray
Schwoz:everybody in the frame
  Schwoz takes the picture and we were all greeting our parents too Ray except Chapa wasn't and for some reason she was on the swirly steps trying so hard not to cry so i get Bose and walk over too her
  Miles:hey Chapa care too explain why your on the verge of tears right now
Chapa:I wasn't planning too but i will tell you anyway
Miles:so explain
Chapa:i was getting too that
Miles:ok jeese
Chapa:well i don't have parents for parents night because they kicked me out
Miles:why did they kick you out
Chapa:they said i was too much work even though they lock me in my room all day
Miles:why didn't you say something
Chapa:i was afraid all of you would raze me about it
Miles:Chapa we would never Raze you about your struggles in life better yet we would help you
Chapa:thanks but i will tell Ray like i did with you and Bose
All of a sudden Ray comes behide us and says
Ray:tell me what
Bose:you got this Chapa
Miles:Tell him when your ready
Chapa takes a breath and sighs but right as she was about to speak Ray says something
Ray:Chapa Where are your parents
Chapa:well i-
Ray:did you not bring your parents
Chapa:i was about to tell you why they aren't here
Ray:omg i had no idea
Chapa runs out of the classroom and Everyone is speechless and just standing there so i walk up too Ray and say
Miles:great job Ray you made her cry again
Ray:well how was i supposed to know
Miles:she was gonna tell you but you cut her off twice
Ray:well why doesn't she have parents
Miles:you don't have the right to know now
Ray:i wish i let her tell me
Miles:yea well you didn't and now i have too go find and talk too her
Bose:if your going to find her then I'm going with you
Miles:ok then lets go
Bose:yay an AdVeNtUrE
Miles:lets just go find Chapa
Bose:yea lets go whaooo
  No pov:
It was still thundering out side and now it's pouring even harder than before and remember when Chapa ran out,yea well she was laying down on her back behind the Swellview sign crying while letting the water droplets hit her face harshly.after a minute she sighs and says
Chapa:rain could not get much better than this
She then goes back to just lying there but instead of crying she starts singing a song,her favorite actually.The song is called Older by Sasha Sloan
Chapa:🎶"i used to shut my door while my mother screamed in the kitchen"
Right as she started singing Bose and Miles found her but listened to her sing
Chapa:🎶"i turned the music up get high and try not to listen to every little fight"
Bose:*whispering*she sings really good
Miles:*also doing the same*yea dude
Chapa:🎶"cause neither one was right.i swear i never be like them but i was just a kid back then.The older i get the more that i see,my parents aren't hero's their just like me.And loving is hard it don't always work you just try your best not to get hurt.i used to be mad but now i know.That sometimes its better to let someone go.It just hadn't the older i get...I used to wonder why,why they could never be happy.I used too close my eyes and pray for a whole other family.When everything is fine,one that felt like mine.I swear i never be like them but i was just a kid back then".*sighs* i wish i still had them
Bose:ok Miles we gotta act like we just found her
Miles:good idea on 3
Bose & Miles:1.2.3
Bose:Omg Miles we finally found her
Miles:yep we did Bose yep we did
Bose:Don' again Chaps
Miles:wait hold up since when do you call her Chaps and Chapa your ok with that
Miles asked and the chocolate brown haired girl nodded her head too both of the questions thrown at her.
Miles:k well we better get back too the mans nest
Speaking of mans nest,
Meanwhile at the Mans nest:
Ray:what do i do to make it up too her
Mika:you can say SORRY
Mika said in her annoyed/mad voice
Ray:wait i can offer her the extra bedroom that schwoz built
Mika:ooh yes plus saying sorry that would make her forgive you
Ray:i sure hope so or else thats another person I've lost
Mika:you got this Ray just no yelling
Ray:i will try
Mika:perfect timing they are coming right now
Bose:we found her
Mika:where was she
Miles:behind the swellview sign
Mika:what was Chapa doing there
  Just then Chapa walked in with her arms crossed and had a mad expression on her face
Bose:she was-
Chapa:don't you dare say it or you will get beat up
Bose:relax Chaps just breathe in
Bose:i will take her upstairs to cool down
Bose:she has anger issues
Mika:yea you do
Chapa:DO NOT
Celia:you better hurry before she gets out of hand
Chapa:i'll show you out of control
  Chapa tries to attack Celia but Bose grabs her around her stomach throws her over his shoulder
Chapa:put me down
Bose:No because you tried attacking my mom
Bose:welp now you know why i gotta go upstairs and cool her down
Ray:maybe not the parents but the rest of us knew why from the beginning
Herman:yea um Bose you better go before she has another out burst
Bose:i will be down in about an hour
   Bose goes up the swirly stairs with Chapa still on his shoulder bickering to him about how it wasn't her fault but Bose thought otherwise and said nothing.They finally reached the mans nest and Bose walked over to the circle couch and put Chapa down on the back of the couch and said
Bose:look you probably don't like me right now but you have too control your anger or else your gonna end up hurting someone
Chapa:i never said i didn't like you i was just bickering about how it wasn't my fault
Bose:I know but you were almost about to kill my mom with your powers and i didn't want that so i had to keep you under control
Chapa:i did not almost kill her
Bose:Chapa don't play dumb i saw you sparking your hands as the conversation went on
Chapa:fine and at least the keyword is almost and not killed
Bose:yea but still both of them are bad
Chapa:i know
Bose:so since its gonna be a while till you cool down i was thinking we could watch a movie
  Just then Ray comes up the tube and finds Chapa still on the back of the couch and Bose talking to her while holding her hands in his
Ray:Chapa can i talk to you
Chapa:YOU want to talk to ME i don't think so but maybe later
Ray:but it's important
Chapa:fine tell me
Ray:ok well i was just gonna offer you the extra bedroom here and that I'm sorry that i brought up your parents
Chapa:thank you for the bedroom i really appreciate that and I'm sorry that i yelled back at you then ran out
Ray:its ok and here is 100 bucks to go get decor for your room
Chapa:thanks Ray again
Ray:eh don't mention it,welp thats all byeee
  Ray goes down the tube and Bose and Chapa go back to the convo they were having
Bose:so you down for a movie night
Chapa:what about your parents
Bose:Mika texted me saying that my parents expect me home by midnight
Chapa:well in that case why not its only 9:30 so we have time
Bose:ok i will grab a blanket and do you want a pillow
Chapa:I'm fine without one
Bose:ok i will be right back
  Chapa's pov:
I was sitting on the back rest of the couch waiting for Bose too get back when I accidentally fell off the couch and into the table.Bose rushed back and saw me hunched into the crevis of the couch and said
Bose:Chaps you ok
Chapa:yes i just fell
Bose:into the table?
Chapa:yes now can you help me get unstuck
Bose:oh yes yes
  Bose tries to get me unstuck but he can't so he calls Mika up and she can't so she calls Miles to help her but even when Mika Miles and Bose all trying they all cant pull me out so they call Schwoz but the four of them can't so they call Ray and the five of them cant pull me out so everyone blows a bubble including me and they call 911 to help me
  Shoutout's pov:
Shoutout:this is stupid how did you get stuck in the crevis of the couch
Awol:yea how did you get stuck Volt
Volt:I was waiting on the arm of the couch and i fell into the table
Brainstorm:i was gone for 2 seconds and this happened
   5 minutes later:
  Bose's pov:
Firefighter:hey guys um i just wanted to tell you that Volt is unstuck but be careful with hugging her because she has a bruise on her back from the table
Cap man:thank you sir for the information
Firefighter:no problem
  The firemen left and we all de transformed and went home,ate dinner,and fell asleep

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