❝-When He Flirts With You-❞

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You were visiting Illumi at his house again to visit the family. His mother and father loved you! His grandfather, Zeno was keeping his guard up around you and keeping his space. When Milluki found out Illumi was dating you he practically screamed- wait no he did scream. I'm pretty sure Mike heard it. Killua really liked you and was glad you and his big brother were dating. Alluka kept saying how you guys will be living in a castle when you guys get married and how you'll be having a big family, Kalluto was still shy but opening up a little to you. 

Right now you were playing with Alluka. You were playing princesses and you were both the princesses while Killua was the prince. He really didn't want to but Alluka insisted and well, you can't say no to her. You were wearing a gown like dress with a lace top and a poofy bottom, you didn't even know how the family had a dress like this and in exactly your size. You hadn't noticed but, Illumi had been watching you guys for a while. You and Alluka were having a tea party when Illumi decides to appear, "Hello beautiful." Illumi grabs your hand and starts kissing it. "I-Illumi! What are you doing?!" You had slight blush on your face and couldn't stop looking over at Alluka hoping he'd get the hint, she was just smirking though enjoying every moment. Weird girl.

 Weird girl

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