fan girls

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Your fingertips embedded into your papers, your E/C eyes rolling back with a huff; the previous situation had left you confused and annoyed, but it wasn't enough to ruin the already good day you were having.

If anything, it was just a story to laugh at with Keishin when you arrived home.

You slowly wandered into courtyard outside: there were benches all around surrounding a large fountain of crystal-clear water. Different groups were already settled at varying benches surrounding the body of water, including the girl who you had met in Biology.

She stood from her seat, extending her arm into a wave to call you over to sit with her friends: she wore a vibrant smile on her cheeks as you made your way over.

Whilst still far away, your eyes slowly trickled along to each of her friends: it was easy to tell that they were popular, even just from each of their uniquely pretty appearances. Two of the girls were sat on the bench, the other three sat against the emerald grass and silver pavement surrounding them.

"L/N!" She called out, patting the free space beside her on the wooden-bench.

You beamed, "Hey, Honoka." You placed yourself down beside her, the other girls kindly smiling at you: "Thank-you for letting me sit with you all."

"It's no problem," Another girl smiled, taking a bite from her food, "How has your first day been?"

You were almost surprised by all of the girls kindness towards you as you all began speaking: you had admittedly prejudged them after realising that they were so popular, assuming that they were all mean. In reality, they were some of the most kind-hearted girls you had ever met.

You chuckled at something that one of the girls had said, struggling to eat your food from how much you were laughing.

Your eyes briefly glanced over towards the main doors, watching the same boy from earlier walk out. He tiredly rubbed the back of his neck, walking towards a group sat in eyes-view; you curiously raised your brow as you realised that two of them were Hanamaki and Matsun.

Honoka leaned forward, meeting your eye line: "Has someone already caught your eye, L/N?"

You pinched your brows together, "Who is that boy over there? The one that just walked out?"

Another girl looked your way, "Oikawa-Kun? You shouldn't get your hopes up," She sighed, "He's completely unattainable."

"I wasn't planning on it." You stuck out your tongue with distaste, "I walked into him earlier, he's so self-centred."

All of the girls interests peaked.



"What happened?"

Your eyes rolled at the memory, finally looking away from him to explain what happened: "He told me that he knew I did it on purpose, and that I'm not the first girl to pretend to bump into him."

"Well?" A girl leaned closer, "Did you bump into him on purpose?"

"What- no! Of course not, I don't even know who he is."

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