tooru oikawa

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Your eyes scanned the view outside of the classroom window, pondering on when the bell would finally siren and dismiss you all to go home.

The sky was a faded shade of baby-blue, melting over the emerald-courtyards and sunset oranges of the setting sky.

You sighed into the palm of your hand, hearing your professor ramble on at the front of the classroom. The muscles in your face relaxed as you sighed.

The bell finally chimed as you instantly brought your body up from your seat, brushing off your blazer and skirt. You pulled your bag over your shoulder, saying 'goodbye' to your classmates and teacher before finally leaving the room.

You slowly wandered out with puckered lips, a display board catching your eye with the word 'CLUBS' written largely at the top. You tilted your head, curiously gazing at the different club activities.

'I almost forgot about the practice game going on today,' You traced your finger on the poster for the club, checking if practice was on, 'It wouldn't hurt to have a look. Besides, it'd be nice to see Matsun play again: it's been a while.'

You turned your shoulder, beginning to leave for the school gym. Making your way towards one of the many courtyards, your fingers traced along the lines outside of the gyms wall.

You could hear the loud squeaking of shoes as you drew closer; the smacking of balls against the wooden floor followed by yells and cheers.

Your fingers slipped around the open door of the gym, peaking your head inside to get a brief glance; there were around fifteen, or so, people all playing on a court against another school you didn't recognise.

You could see Hanamaki sat on the side lines, stretching his legs whilst making subconscious notes on every second of the practice game: analysing every move to put it to their advantage.

The team was talented - it was easy to tell, even just by watching them for a few seconds.

Every member looked out for each other, mirroring each other's skills with ease: you carried on watching, feeling yourself become tempted to walk in and sit on one of the stands, or at least,

that was until you saw the boy from break.

the same to have walked into you.

You sharply inhaled, pressing your fingertips against your lips as he proudly walked along the side-lines. You watched him lift a clear bottle up to his lips, a slither of crystal water fell down his chin and neck before he wiped it off with his wrist.

Beads of sweat fell from Oikawa's forehead, glistening against the warm lighting of the gym. His once neat and perfectly styled hair was now messy and pushed-back. His spare fingertips were clutched around the collar of his teal shirt to fan off his neck. He walked a little stiffly with a brace against his knee, barely visible beneath his shin-pads.

Even if you did think that he was arrogant and cocky, you couldn't deny that he looked extremely attractive at that moment.

Your body flinched as he turned his shoulder; you heard as someone called him 'Captain'.

As soon as you realised that he was the Captain of the Seijoh Volleyball Team, you turned your shoulder: any instincts to sit and watch were instantly drained.

You began to walk away, burying your hands into your blazer pockets before hearing someone exclaim your name.

"Oi," A tired voice called out, "L/N!"

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