The texts

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Your stomach ached with anxiety, feeling a constant sickness as your mind replayed each of your conversations with Oikawa. Your arm was wrapped tightly around your stomach, clutching onto the area you felt the worst as you sat silently with Honoka on the schools fields.

Your head was resting against her shoulder, feeling the tips of her hair tickle your cheek as you sighed slowly.

The glow of the sun caressed your skin as you bathed in summer-heat. Your head shifted up and down with every breath she took as you slowly explained everything that had been going on with Oikawa. You were surprised by her lack of judgement - she'd always been cold to Oikawa, but right now she was surprisingly mellow when talking about him.

"I really do like him, Honoka."

"I know you do."

"But I really don't like being used: I'm not his entertainment." Your lips felt dry and chipped as you ran your index finger along the skin, "And the way he looks at me.. it's like I'm some game, not a person! It's not fair - how can someone be so confusing and unfair, and yet put on such a genuine facade?"

You glanced forward, able to see Oikawa playing a lazy and casual game of basketball with Maki, Iwa and Matsun. He clutched the orange ball with his palm, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows with forearms showing. His tie was loosened and his top button undone. Despite a streak of sweat falling down his temple, he had a lazy, out of breath smile on his pearly teeth.

You swallowed, your brows furrowing with different emotions: unsure on what to focus on. The apoplexy? The frustration? The genuine admiration?

The Captain felt two eyes staring into him as he swiftly looked towards the field, however, by the time he had noticed - you were gone.

After escaping from the fields and beginning to get your books from your locker you felt more vibrations from your phone in your pocket. Honoka swiftly gave you a look that said 'don't do it'. But, you still looked, seeing all the messages from the previous day.

Sent at 09:01 A.M Sunday.
I know that you've just seen this
message, I want to talk
Y/N please, I'm at my window.

seen at 09:12 A.M. Sunday.

Sent at 01:02 P.M. Monday.
Y/N, please.
I cant exactly force you to talk to
me, but know I'm here when you
want to talk.
I just want to clear the air.

Seen at 01:04 P.M. Monday.

Sent at 11:56 A.M. Today.
Is typing ... ... ...

"I'm telling you," Honoka's voice became firmer as she placed your phone back into your pocket, "Don't respond. Not until you know what you want, you need to have a clear head space."

You swallowed, before nodding your head: "I'll meet you in class?"

She smiled awkwardly before turning her shoulder to head to Maths: you immediately pulled out your phone, desperate to see what he was going to say. You leaned inside of your locker, your elbows resting on the metal surface as your eyes stayed wide open.

Your breaths hitched as your eyebrows became crooked.

And then finally a message popped up on your screen.

Sent at 12:04 P.M. Today.

Seen at 12:04 P.M. Today.

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