beach day, pt.2

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The next day swiftly arrived as you stared at your figure in the mirror: Honoka had also helped you buy matching foot-wear and little accessories to bring your 'look' together. You could tell a that she enjoyed 'dressing you up' in her own, girlish type - and, in fairness, you really enjoyed it too.

You'd been careful with your makeup and hair, going for a 'fresh' look with all water-proof cosmetics that you owned.

Dusting off the bikini, you began to pull out a pair of shorts and a shirt to throw over the top. You called 'goodbye' to Keishin before leaving the door to wait for Iwaizumi to pick you all up in his new car.

Oikawa walked out at the same time as you, his face lighting up with delight: "Y/N-Chan!"


"I-!" His eyes widened with a horrified expression, jogging towards you from the other side of the freshly-painted, picket fence between you, "Don't ignore me!"

"It's too early for this." You tiredly responded, yawning into the palm of your hand, "How are you already so lively?"

Resting his body against the edge of his fence, he offered you a bright smile: "I'm used to waking up this early for Practice; we needed to leave early today so that we could spend the whole day there!"

You ducked your head down with a fatigued sigh as his beam weakened, refusing to look away from you.

The Captain was already wearing his teal-and-white swimming shorts; if it wasn't clear enough before, you could tell that now that teal was easily his favourite colour. A thin, white shirt clung onto his skin as he fanned off his face to try and deflect the warmth of the sun.

He gently laughed under his breath at your lacklustre reactions and expressions as the car finally began to pull up.
"Oi," Matsun called out from the front-passenger seat; "Get in the back, love-birds."

You scowled in response as he hoarsely laughed, Maki opening the door in back before shifting over into his seat. You sat in the middle of the backseats with Maki and Oikawa at either side; Iwa was on the wheel with Matsun beside him to give him directions.

The drive was around forty-five minutes.

You sat laughing as Oikawa and Iwaizumi loudly argued over the directions, getting extremely heated as Maki and Matsun made jokes about them having a 'lovers quarrel'.

After a while, Oikawa finally caved in when Matsun turned up the music on the old-stereo to full, saying 'Oh, I know this one!' at the start of every single song.

The windows were all completely down as the warmth of the air outside filled the car; as you inched closer to the sea, you began to taste the saltiness in the air.

Everyone rejoiced as you finally found the desolate parking lot to the beach, meaning that you had finally found your way (despite all of the misdirections).

Iwa sighed with relief as he switched the ignition off, leaning his head back: "Finally."

Oikawa playfully laced his hand on the Ace's head, ruffling his hair: "Well done on surviving your first long-distance drive, Iwa-Chan." He smiled calmly as Iwa scrunched his nose.


You smiled gently at their little comments as they all began to get out of the car, 'That was so sweet.' You thought, pulling your bag over your shoulders as Iwaizumi opened the boot.

You supposed that, as annoying as he could be, Oikawa did genuinely have his sweeter moments.

You crawled from the car, closing the door behind you as you pulled your sunglasses down from your hair, beginning to fan your shirt against your neck to try and call off your burning skin.

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