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He locked up the front door.

Oikawa had given you a loose shirt and jogging bottoms to wear: they smelt strongly of his cologne and shampoo. He sleepily hooked his arm with yours as you stepped off of the porch of his house, beginning to make your way to go get breakfast together a the cafe he was talking about.

His fingers slithered down your arm to entwine with your hand, holding you tightly in his grasp.

You didn't talk much on the way there, mostly enjoyed the scenic route and the fresh-morning air. You were both exhausted, still barely feeling awake as you walked down each lane.

The Cafe was completely full: you could tell from looking through the windows outside. Oikawa cupped both hands around his eyes for a better view, before shrugging at you with a slight frown.

"Wait out here.." He raised his index finger at you, before walking inside without another word.

Around five minutes later, Oikawa slipped outside of the cafe with a warm beam: he held two items in his hands that were wrapped in a small, floral paper bags.

He lifted his chin, jogging across the road as he shouted: "Come on!"

You folded your arms coldly over your chest, tiredly attempting to catch up with him, "Where are we going?"

He extended his arm for you to grab hold as you slipped yours in between his, feeling him pull your body closer.

Oikawa didn't answer your question: he just led you down another lane.


"Aha!" The Captain squeaked as you watched him speed up, passing you one of the mysterious bags, "Here!"

Oikawa had led you to an old, secure, brick bridge where he sat himself on the edge, dangling his feet off of the edge. The bridge hung over a thick river with a calm tide, families of ducks happily swimming down the clean, clear water.

You sat yourself beside him, feeling him place his hand behind you as he leant closer.

You opened the bag, instantly smelling the warmth of french toast fill your nose as you sighed loudly: he giggled at your reaction, before taking a bite of his own.

"Thank you..." You muttered out loud, taking a large bite of the toasted bread as the taste filled your mouth.

"It's no biggie," Oikawa tiredly smiled, happily eating his french toast with both of your lands dangling off of the edge of the bridge, "This has been really nice, y'know.. you should stay over at my place more often." The Captain calmly carried on, "I love falling asleep with you.. you're so warm."

"And you're so heavy."

"You can't complain when you were the one playing with my hair this morning, Y/N-Chan!" He extended his finger out, "I know you loved cuddling with me, too."

Just as Oikawa said that, you heard a light giggling come from 10 meters behind you: your head shot around to see a group of girls your age all stood together, watching and gesturing towards Oikawa with flushed cheeks. Some of them carried gifts in their hands; a few carried cards.

You shook your head, focusing back on the water.

"So then," He carried on, not even noticing the group of girls nearby as you felt him shift closer to you, "I guess you could say that this is our second date.." Oikawa leaned closer as you felt his hand clasp in your shoulder, his breaths against your bare skin, "Why not just make it official, huh?" He paused, his fingertips innocently tracing your thigh, "Be my girlfriend."

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