the first day

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The Administrations office handed you your time table and locker-number, as well as going into detail about any and all extra-curricular activities.

After leaving and sorting through your locker, your eyes stared deeply into the crumpled schedule that read all of your classes and schedules; the first being your 'form' in room 3A.

By now, most students had already made their way into their own classrooms, leaving you roaming endlessly with a confused stare in your eyes; your nose scrunched as you attempted to search the 'maze' of a school.

The knowledge that time was ticking away gave you a sense of urgency as the late bell began to ring.

"Shit." You mumbled to yourself, glancing down at your timetable once more to check that you weren't looking for the wrong room.

More time passed.

You leant back with a huff, feeling the dents in your back press against the large window as your neck arched upwards.

"Hey," Your body flinched at the sound of an unfamiliar voice, "Are you okay?"

Your eyes glanced off to the side, drifting onto a tall, straw-berry blonde around your age; his brow perked with a confused glare in his beady eyes.

"No, actually." You hesitated, intimidated by the stranger as the halls began to grow more desolate, "Do you know where room 3A is?"

The stranger scrunched his nose, "Yeah, obviously." He plainly responded in a tired tone, "I'm on my way there now, wanna walk together?"

Your eyes immediately lit up, "Yes, that'd be great."

His chin lifted as if to say 'no problem', beginning to turn his shoulder to lead the way towards the room on the other side of the Academy.

He flicked his wrist, gesturing for you to follow him as you quickly did so.

"So, are you new here? I don't think I've seen you before," The stranger hesitated for a few moments, glancing back at you with a small cringe, "No offence, or anything."

"None taken." You smiled, "I just moved here from Tokyo, today's my first day."

"Really?" He clicked his tongue, his face finally showing an ounce of emotion as his eyes widened with surprise, "That's cool; Seijoh is a good school. The students and teachers are nice-enough and we have the best sports teams in Miyagi," You struggled to keep up with him as his legs took longer strides than you could manage, "It's well-funded too, and-.." He cringed once more, slowing his pace a little, "Sorry. I didn't mean to ramble."

"Don't be sorry," You smiled, slightly confused as to why he was apologising, "It's be good to know a little about the school anyway."

He offered you a faint smile, gesturing for you to enter the room next door; thankfully, the class was talking loudly and the teacher too busy writing notes to notice the fact that you were both so late.

"So," The stranger began, tilting his head to the side. "You didn't research the school before coming here?"

"A little. I kind of moved here in a rush, so I didn't have too much time."

"Then, if you don't mind me asking, why did you move here?"

You bit the inside of your cheek, trying to think of an unsuspicious answer, "I- Mmph.. Just needed a change of scene."

He didn't believe your answer, but nodded along anyway, not wanting to pry.

He gestured for you to sit on the desk beside him as he told you a little more about the school and himself, comparing both of your timetables to find that you had the majority of the same lessons together.

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