Chapter 14

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Louis POV

The next morning I woke up to an empty bed. I cracked my eyes open and glanced around the room, filled with early morning summer sunlight. According to my phone it was quarter past eight.

I was just about to get up and find Harry when the bedroom door opened and he walked in, carrying a big tray filled with pancakes and mugs of tea and a small vase of flowers.

He wished me good morning and gave me a quick peck on the lips as he got back into bed, passing me the tray. I thanked him and kissed him again and we enjoyed the breakfast, which was very tasty.

"What do you want to do today?" Harry asked, putting the empty tray down on the floor.

"Well I know a secret swimming hole where we used to spend the summer as kids." I replied.


Fifteen minutes later we were in the car, driving through the forest, nearing the beach and finding the little side-road that led to the spot that my cousin had discovered years ago.

I parked the car near the edge of the water under the shade of a tree and we grabbed the little picnic from the back. Harry laid the blanket down on the grass under another tall, shady tree and we lay down on our backs, holding hands and closing our eyes.

We lay there for a bit and then I rolled on top of Harry, kissing him and tugging his shirt off. 

"Why thank you, I was planning on a swim." he said, pulling away from my lips with a smirk. He pushed me off of him and sprinted to the waters edge, running until the water was up to his knees and then diving in.

I sighed and put his shirt down on the blanket, pulling off my own and running after him, diving into the water, though not as spectacularly as he had done. Harry pulled me towards him in the water, water dripping from his curly hair and down his stomach. 

We stood there in the shallow water kissing until Harry dragged me back to the blanket and laid me down right there in the open.


After that we ate lunch and chased each other around the beach all afternoon, using the rope swing to cannonball into the water and kissing against the tree, scratching my naked back against the rough bark.

At 5 o'clock I drove us back into town, stopping at a McDonalds drive-thru to buy dinner. We watched the sunset on the main beach from the car while we ate and then drove home.

Harry put on Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and I made popcorn. After the movie we went upstairs and had a shower together. I gave Harry a long and pleasant blow-job and then we dried off and Harry pushed me back down onto the bed to return the favor.

We climbed straight under the blankets afterwards and Harry cuddled into my chest. I kissed the top of his head and stroked his bare shoulder as we lay in the dark. Harry reached up and kissed me, pushing his tongue into my mouth.

After a few minutes we stopped and Harry ran his fingers up and down my side.

"It's nice isn't it? Messing around like this?" I said.

Harry instantly stopped stroking me.

"Yeah. Very nice, all this messing around." he said, suddenly cold.

"No, I mean like, you know, going to a holiday home in the summer and fucking on the beach." I explained.

"Mm." Harry replied. 

He turned away from me, facing the other way, leaving me with nothing but his back.

"Haz I don't think you understood what I meant." I tried again.

"It's fine Louis, goodnight." he replied.

"Goodnight." I finished.

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