Chapter 17

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Harry POV

"Alright then, get in the car and we'll go back alright?" Louis said, picking up my bag.

He went to the back of the car and lifted the boot door open, putting my bag into the back. I opened the passenger side door and went to sit down but there was a crumpled up piece of paper on the seat. I picked up the paper, sat down, closed the door, buckled up my seatbelt and then straightened out the paper on my knee to see it was a parking ticket.

"What's this?" I asked Louis as he sat down beside me.

"Oh yeah, I parked illegally to stop you getting on the train and some guy nearly towed my car away." Louis replied.


We drove back to the holiday home and then went back to the little secret spot. We pulled off our shirts and Louis laid down on the blanket. I grabbed my book and laid down horizontally to Louis, resting my head in his lap.

He absently massaged my head and when his fingers went limp I lifted myself up to see that he was fast asleep.

I closed my book, put my shirt back on to keep from getting sunburnt and put Louis' shirt over the top of his stomach and chest, kissed his shoulder and laid down next to him, closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

We stayed there sleeping until about five in the afternoon when we woke up.

Louis told me to stay there and read my book and he drove off, returning fifteen minutes later with a car full of food and drinks and sleeping bags. We laid out the sleeping bags on the blanket in the grass and Louis opened cans of beer. He had a pre-roasted chicken and a few bread buns and we made sandwiches for dinner.

By six thirty the sun started to go down and we wriggled into our sleeping bags, cuddling close together to watch the sun go down. It disappeared behind the ocean and the stars above us started to appear. 

Louis pulled out of box of chocolates and we sat on our blanket eating them and talking. We talked about school and our friends and what we were going to do once Louis left school at the end of the year.

"I'll get a better job than the café and earn some money while you finish school and then you can go to university and I'll come with you and get a job and then I'll propose and we'll spend the night just like this, kissing under the stars next to the beach. And we'll have the best wedding with all of our friends and family and then we'll go on our honeymoon and have the best sex we've ever had." Louis said, playing with my fingers as he spoke.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too." he replied.

And then I pushed him back down onto the blanket and laid down on top of him, kissing him unlike any way we'd kissed before. It was soft and passionate, but that wasn't enough to describe it, it was loving.

And then Louis flipped us over and sat on top of my waist rolling his hips slightly while he reached into his bag for some condoms. 

And can I just say that I'm glad no one came across us that night or that they couldn't hear our yelled declarations of love as we fucked each other multiple times until the sun came up.

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