Chapter 19

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Harry POV

It was 3 in the afternoon. I was laid out on my bed on my phone, scrolling through Instagram. Louis was working but seeing as Gemma knew about us he was going to come over and watch a movie tonight with me, Gemma and Liam. 

The doorbell rang downstairs and Gemma called to me from her bedroom.

"Get the door Haz, it's Liam!" she shouted.

"It's your boyfriend, you get it!" I shouted back.

"It's your best friend!" she called.

"Fuck off." I shouted and pushed back my blankets and got out of the comfort of my bed to go downstairs and let Liam in. 

"You should have just let yourself in mate." I said.

"The door was locked, anyway, do you want to come with me to Niall's? I'm going to tell them all about me and Gemma." Liam said.

"Sure." I replied and then Liam ran upstairs to say hi to Gemma before driving us to Niall's, stopping to pick up Lottie on the way.

"Hey mates." Niall said cheerfully, answering the door.

"Hey." I replied.

Lottie kissed Niall and then we all went into the living room where Niall had chips and cans of Coke.

"What's the deal Liam? You said you wanted to tell us something." Niall asked, tossing a Coke to me.

"Um, yeah so I just wanted to let you know that I'm dating Gemma." Liam said.

Niall and Lottie turned to look at me. 

"Well I already know. I've already given Liam my warnings." I said laughing at their expressions.

"Oh good, I thought I was going to have to stop you from killing Liam." Niall said.


Louis POV

"Hey Lou. Want to hang out tonight?" Zayn asked.

I was at work and Zayn was distracting me as usual as I tried to make coffees. 

"I'm really sorry mate I can't. I have uh, a date." I said, deciding to half mention the truth. I actually had a double movie date with Harry and Gemma and Liam.

"Have you got a secret girlfriend or something? Because you are never around man." Zayn said.

I sighed and set down the cup of coffee.

"Hey Linda, can you cover me? I just need a quick bathroom break." I said, asking my coworker who was standing at the cash register.

"Sure Louis." she replied and I headed into the break room, gesturing for Zayn to follow me.

"Seriously man, what's going on?" Zayn asked, sitting down in the break room.

"Alright, you know Lottie's friend Harry?" I asked.

"The curly one?" Zayn asked.

"Yep. Well, I'm sort of - uhm - dating him." I said.

"Really? I didn't even know you were into guys." Zayn said.

"I didn't think I was either." I replied and I laughed. It felt so much better now that I wasn't lying to my best friend.

"Well good on you, what about hanging out tomorrow then?" Zayn asked.

"Sure, definitely. I'm sorry that we haven't been hanging out much." I replied.

"No problem mate, I'll let you get back to work." Zayn said and he grinned and hugged me and left.

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