Chapter 20

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Louis POV

"So give me some info on this Harry lad." Zayn said.

We were at the pub, watching football and drinking beers and catching up.

"He's so sweet and cute and his eyes are fucking beautiful." I said.

"Looks like my boy's in love." Zayn said.

I shoved his shoulder but I was grinning like mad.

"Yeah, yeah I am." I replied.

Zayn cooed and I shoved him again and told him to shut up.

We spent the rest of night at the pub and then walked home, smoking a couple of cigarettes each, stopping outside my house to say goodbye. 

"See you Louis." Zayn said and he hugged me and headed off down the street towards his house.

I opened the front gate and made my way up to the house, slightly drunk and very tired.

Lottie and Mum were in the living room watching a movie. 

"Hey Lou. Did you have fun?" Mum asked.

"Yeah. Goodnight." I said and I headed up the stairs to my bedroom and went inside, already shimmying out of my jeans.

"Well hello there." a voice said.

I looked up as I stepped out of my jeans, it was Harry, lying in my bed with the blankets wrapped tightly around him.

"Hey love." I said, laughing at the sight of him.

I tugged off my shirt as well and Harry made grabby hands for me like a baby. I smiled at him and lifted the duvet, getting into bed with him and gave him a quick kiss.

I deduced from what I could see and feel that under the sheets Harry was wearing a baggy t-shirt and his boxers. I hooked my leg around his and put my head in the crook of his shoulder and neck.

"How was it with Zayn?" Harry asked.

"Really fun actually." I replied, smiling up at Harry.

"Well I'm glad you enjoyed yourself and I'm also very glad you're back home so I can enjoy myself." Harry said. 

I laughed and moved on top of Harry, leaning over his chest to kiss him and pushing my tongue into his mouth. Harry moaned slightly, moving his hips up for friction against me. 

"You taste like beer and you smell like cigarettes." Harry said.

"You taste like chocolate and you smell like bodyspray." I replied

Harry giggled and wrapped a leg around my back.

"What do you want?" I asked, breaking the kiss to pull Harry's shirt off. 

"Want to give you a blowjob." Harry replied.

I hummed my agreement as I sucked and kissed Harry's chest before moving back up to kiss his lips.

"C'mere." Harry said and he threw back the blanket and got up, dragging me with him.

He kneeled down in front of me and pulled down my boxers before starting to kiss my stomach. I put my hands in his hair and he took me in his mouth. I squirmed and pulled his hair, letting out a few moans.

I could see him getting harder and harder, still wearing his boxers and thought about what I would do to him after this.

"Haz." I groaned, thrusting into his mouth slightly. He wrapped his arms around my legs and continued to bob his head. It was wonderful, it was perfect, it was - "What the hell." 

Harry and I both turned to the door, my cock leaving Harry's mouth with a pop. It was Lottie who had spoken but she was no longer there.

"Shit." Harry and I both said at the same time. I hurriedly put my boxers and some sweatpants hurriedly on while Harry did the same, hurrying to Lottie's bedroom where she was sitting on her bed looking mortified.

"What the fuck?" Lottie said.

"Lottie I'm sorry we didn't tell you." I said.

"Oh it's no big deal, just my best friend giving my brother a fucking blowjob." Lottie said sarcastically.

"Lottie I swear we're not just messing around, we're dating." Harry said. 

I looked at him, he was obviously still hard, the bulge in his sweatpants a little too noticeable. I uncomfortably noticed that I was the same.

"That's even a bigger deal! My best friend and my fucking brother are dating and I'm the last to know!" Lottie said.

"Lottie what is happening in here?" Mum said, coming into the room.

"Oh nothing I just found Harry and Louis giving each other blowjobs!" Lottie said angrily.

"Boys?" Mum asked, turning to me and Harry. 

"Well - yeah." I said.

"Yeah what?" Mum asked.

"Yeah, Harry was giving me a blowjob." I clarified. Lottie hid her face in her pillow.

"But what's the big deal? I've walked in on Lottie giving Niall a blowjob!" I said.

"Lottie!" Mum said.

"That's completely different Louis! The problem is that you never told me! Even you Harry, couldn't you have mentioned that you were dating my brother?" Lottie said.

"I'm sorry Lots, we didn't tell you because we thought you'd hate us for it." Harry said.

"I don't care that you're fucking, I care that you never told me!" Lottie replied.

"Well we're sorry." I said, trying to end the conversation so I could go to bed.

"Whatever." Lottie said.

"Look everyone just go to bed alright? We'll talk about this in the morning." Mum said.

"Thank you." I said and I grabbed Harry's hand and we went back to my room, sitting up in bed, leaning against my headboard, still holding hands.

"That was awkward." Harry said.

"Yeah." I agreed.

There was silence for a moment.

"You still hard?" I asked.

"Fuck yes." Harry replied.

I laughed.

"C'mere and I'll give you a handy. We can finish that blowjob another day." I said.

So we gave each handjobs and once we came all over each other we laid back down in bed and kissed a bit.

"I'm sorry, that's not how tonight was supposed to go." Harry said.

"It's fine love, I love you." I replied.

"Love you too." Harry said and we kissed again and went to sleep.

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