Chapter 10

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As soon as I opened my eyes the next morning they met Harry's. I smiled and leaned forward to kiss him, but his lips were already on mine.

"Morning baby." Harry said, his voice deep.

"Morning Haz." I replied and then we were kissing again, rolling around on the bed, the sheets tangling around us.

"Louis?" Lottie's voice called from outside the door.

"Shit!" I said in a hushed voice, our lips moving apart with a loud noise. "Get under there." I said, pointing under the bed.

Harry rolled over and landed with a thump on the carpeted floor of my bedroom, scurrying under the bed. I made sure my blanket was covering my naked body and told Lottie to come in.

"What took you so long to tell me to come in?" Lottie complained, walking in.

"I was bloody asleep, it's seven in the morning." I replied.

"Yeah well anyway, you have to accept this Richard thing. Mum said he's coming for dinner tonight." Lottie said.

"Oh for fucks sake." I groaned.

"Just be polite alright? I have to go because Niall's waiting. Make sure you're home by five o'clock." Lottie said and then she turned and left, shutting the door behind her.

"You can come out now." I said to Harry and he rolled back out from under the bed and climbed back under the sheets with me.

"So Richard's coming over?" Harry asked.

"I guess so. Let's go and get breakfast at a café alright?" I suggested, changing the subject.

So we got dressed into our school uniform and made sure we had everything we needed for school and then we slowly went downstairs, Harry hiding behind my back.

Niall and Lottie were in the kitchen, Lottie was pushed against the kitchen cabinet and was kissing Niall so furiously it looked painful. I gestured silently for Harry to wait by the front door, out of view of the kitchen and then cleared my throat loudly.

Niall and Lottie jumped apart, Niall stepping away from Lottie, Lottie coughing awkwardly. 

"That's not what I want to see when I come down for breakfast. I can't eat my cereal after watching my sister shove her fucking tongue down someone's throat." I said.

"Anyway, I'm leaving now. I'll see you guys later." I added.

"Make sure you're home by -" 

"Five, yeah I know." I cut Lottie off. "See ya." I finished.

I grabbed my car keys and headed for the door, grabbing Harry by the elbow and leading him outside. We got into my car and I drove to my favourite café.

We ordered a pot of tea to share and pancakes. I took a photo of Harry trying to stuff too much pancakes into his mouth and spilling maple syrup everywhere and then helped him wash his face, which led to hand-jobs in the handicapped bathroom.

We returned to our table, trying to act casual and finished our breakfast quickly, paying and getting back in the car. I drove to school and parked in my usual spot and reached across to kiss Harry, knowing I wouldn't see him for the rest of the day.

"Louis, we've got to go." Harry said, pulling away from my lips.

"I know." I moaned.

Harry laughed and kissed my pouting lips one more time before grabbing his school bag and getting out of the car.


After school I went straight to work, finishing my usual 3.30 to 4.30 Wednesday shift and then drove home, dreading my dinner with my mum's new boyfriend.

I got home around quarter to five and had a quick shower, changing into my favourite tracksuit, I was in no mood to impress this guy. Lottie called me downstairs at three minutes to five and I slouched down on the couch, waiting for Mum and Richard to get back from work.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out to see a message from Harry.

Harry: Hey love, you are at home aren't you? Because you need to do this.

Louis: Yes I'm home.

Harry: Good and remember to not punch him in the face.

Louis: Fuck off, I'll do what I want

Lous: Don't worry though, I won't punch him

Harry: Alright then x

Louis: I'm serious!

Harry: I know you are, I'm just teasing

Louis: Alright I have to go xx

Harry: Bye Lou

"Who are you texting?" Lottie asked, swooping down over the couch.

"Jesus Christ Lots, privacy!" I said.

"Was that Harry?" she asked.

"Why would you think it was Harry?" I replied.

"Because it was his picture." Lottie replied.

"Alright, yeah it was Harry. He wanted to know if I saw you and Niall kissing this morning because Niall told him and he didn't believe it." I said, making it up on the spot.

"Little dickhead." Lottie replied.

That was close.

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