Chapter 13

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Harry POV

I woke up nice and early on Monday morning and had a long shower, checked my bag again to make sure I had everything, then went downstairs for breakfast.

Mum was sitting in the kitchen drinking a cup of tea. I said good morning and made myself some toast, sitting across from her at the table to eat it.

"Are you excited?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'll walk over to Liam's in about fifteen minutes." I replied.

"Are you sure you don't want me to drop you over?" Mum offered.

"No thanks, it's just up the street, I'll be fine." I replied.

I put my plate in the dishwasher and had a glass of water before running upstairs to grab my bag.

I came back into the living room and slipped on my trainers, hugging Mum goodbye.

"See you, have fun, I love you." Mum said.

"Yeah I love you too mum." I replied and then she finally let me go, watching me from the door as I walked up the hill, heading in the direction of Liam's house. Once I rounded the corner however there was Louis' car, parked on the side of the road beside me.

I threw my bag in the back and got into the passenger seat, pulling Louis in for a kiss. 


It was a long drive out of Manchester to the holiday home, about three and a half hours. Luckily we were headed to the beach as the weather was warm and sunny.

At about lunchtime we pulled up into the driveway of a little cottage on the outskirts of town.

"This is it." Louis announced.

"It looks great, let's get inside." I replied.

We got our bags from the back and headed up the garden path to the front door. Louis pulled out his keys and unlocked the door, stepping back so I could go in first.

It was small but cosy. There wasn't much food so after we put our bags in the main bedroom we got back in the car and drove to the shops, buying enough food for the days we would be there. We stopped at a café for lunch and decided to get our dinner at the pub that night, seeing as there was a football game that Louis wanted to watch. 

We spent the afternoon watching tv and I climbed into Louis' lap and wrapped my legs around him, kissing and sucking little hickeys onto each other's necks.

At five o'clock we drove down to the pub and Louis got a pint of beer, seeing as he was old enough. I was stuck with a Coke but Louis offered me sips of his beer whenever the bartender wasn't looking and I drunk half of it anyway.

The game started and it got very loud with all the drunk English men cheering and booing and swearing and singing. Louis joined right in though, chanting along with the other men nearby.

I watched Louis mainly, because he was cute and whenever he started jumping up and down excitedly it made me want to throw myself on him right then are there.

At nine o'clock we left the pub and went back home and put on a movie on the tv.

"Do you want to just go up to bed?" Louis asked after about half an hour.

The movie was really bad anyway so we turned the tv off and went upstairs. I went toilet in the ensuite bathroom and when I came back into the main bedroom Louis had stripped down to his boxers and got into bed, leaving the little lamp on my side table as the only light in the room.

I pulled off my shirt and dropped my sweatpants, climbing into bed beside him, slightly sad that he was already going to sleep and nothing had happened on their first night of freedom.

I flicked off the lamp and snuggled down, pressing my lips to Louis' bare shoulder.

"Night Lou." I said.

Louis turned around to face me.

"Night." he replied.

I grabbed his hand under the blanket and shut my eyes. Louis laughed and I opened them again.

"I'm kidding love, c'mere." he said, moving me on top of him and pulling my head down to kiss him.

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