Chapter 23

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Harry POV

"Liam hurry the fuck up." I said, knocking loudly on the bathroom door.

"Jesus Harry." Liam said, opening the door and stepping past me, still fixing his hair.

"Thank you." I said and I hurried into the bathroom, I really needed to pee.

"You excited?" Liam asked as I came out of the bathroom, tucking my half buttoned shirt back into my jeans.

"Yeah, you?" I replied.

"Yeah." Liam replied.

"You boys ready to go?" Gemma asked, sticking her head into my bedroom where me and Liam were just gathering all our things.

"Yeah, let's go." I said, slipping my wallet and phone into my pocket and following Liam downstairs as he caught up with Gemma and slipped his hand into hers.

"You know maybe I should have gone to get ready with Louis. I feel like such a fucking third wheel right now." I said, settling in the backseat of Gemma's car as Gemma and Liam got into the front.

"Well maybe we don't want you here either." Gemma replied, reversing out of the drive.

"Shut up." I muttered.

It took about ten minutes to get to the restaurant. Lottie, Niall and Louis had already arrived, which I was glad about because it meant I didn't have to sit watching Gemma and Liam play footsie under the table.

As we walked into the restaurant Louis got up and met us by the door, slipping his hand into mine and kissing my temple. I held onto his hand as he led me to the table where Niall and Lottie were huddled in the corner whispering to each other.

"Hey guys." I said, fist bumping Niall as he quickly straightened his collar, coughed and turned his eyes away from Lottie. Gemma and Liam sat down on the other side of the table and Louis jumped up again as he spotted Zayn and his new girlfriend by the door.

"Hey everyone, this is my best friend Zayn and his girlfriend Gigi." Louis introduced leading the couple back to the table.

"Hi." I said, leaning across Louis to shake Zayn's hand.

"Hey." Zayn replied.


It took a long time for our food to arrive but we were all talking and laughing to much to really think about food. Niall was talking away to me and Liam about his new job at the music store in town, where he spent the whole day selling guitars and helping people find the CD's and vinyl's they wanted. Music was Niall's biggest passion and he was really excited to get to work in a shop where the walls were lined with Beatles posters.

Zayn and Louis were talking about something random as well and the three girls were all giggling together, Gigi had apparently been in the year above Gemma at school.

The food did arrive though, tacos for me and Lottie, fish and chips for Louis, Gemma and Niall, nachos for Zayn and spaghetti Bolognese for Liam and Gigi. Louis and Zayn got beers and Gemma and Gigi got glasses of wine and seeing as the rest of us were only seventeen we were stuck with Cokes.

"Help yourself love." Louis muttered in my ear, pushing his pint towards me.

I grinned and took a sip, catching Niall's pissed off eye.

"Should have found someone older." I told him. He rolled his eyes.

Once all our plates had been cleared we talked a bit more and enjoyed another drink before deciding to head off to our respective houses. 

"You coming home Harry?" Gemma asked in the carpark.

"Nah, I'll go to Louis'." I said.

"Alrighty." Gemma said and she got into her car.

"Hey man," I said, catching Liam's arm before he could get in the car "don't you dare fuck on my bed." 

Liam laughed and hugged me before getting into the passenger seat and closing the door.

"See you tomorrow mate." Zayn said to Louis and then he grabbed Gigi's hand, shook Harry's with the other and they got in his car.

"We're dropping Lottie off at Niall's and then we'll have the house to ourselves." Louis said, spinning his car keys round on his finger. Lottie and Niall were already sitting in the backseat. 

"Perfect." I said, giving Louis a quick kiss and then walked around to the passenger seat.

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