Heroneka's Twelfth Birthday

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"I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE!!!" Heroneka yelled out loud.

She was standing in the hall of Thomas Brady, her muggle guardian's countryside house. She was the reason Thomas and his wife Jane had left Privet Drive eleven years ago. They had been offered by Dumbledore to adopt her as Heroneka's father had been murdered by Voldemort along with the Potters at their hideout at Godric's Hollow. They had gladly accepted to raise Heroneka as their own since her parents were very good friends of them and she was their only child who was left behind.

Thomas and his family knew Heroneka's truth and they took her in despite that. They never had a child of their own and gave Heroneka all the love she needed as a child. But now, when she had finally joined Hogwarts, her Godfather, William Pearlstone who was also her deceased father's twin brother, had popped up out of nowhere.

Last Christmas, William met Heroneka for the first time and asked for forgiveness. He told her how he had to stay away from her to keep her safe. Now that she was old enough to understand her truth, everyone was telling her that it was time for Heroneka to leave the Bradys and move on with her life. The Bradys now wanted her to live with her Godfather, who owned her birth parents' house and wanted to raise her there.

William had also adopted Heroneka officially, claiming to be her only blood-related family member. The Bradys were seeing this as a good thing because they wanted Heroneka to know herself completely. And she could do so only by living with William, who knew every single truth about her.

But nobody was trying to understand her perspective. She didn't want to live with her Godfather. She had always seen Thomas as her father. He had loved her so much. They had been ignoring this topic since she had arrived home for the holidays, but today was her twelfth birthday and this meant her Godfather was coming to pick her tomorrow. That was what they had decided after her third death, that the Bradys would spend the best of time they could with Heroneka till she turned twelve and then William Pearlstone would take her away from them officially.

"Princess," Thomas tried to persuade her. "He is your real family. Don't you wish to know more about your mother? William will guide you properly through your evolution."

One of the biggest truths about Heroneka was that she was an angelic witch. Meaning, she was the daughter of an angel and a wizard. Her mother, Gemma Pearlstone was an angel from a hidden kingdom about which less than one per cent of people in the world knew. She had entered the world of witches, wizards and muggles to attend some business and ended up staying there only. Even Dumbledore cherished her memories of being an amazing Angelic Arts professor at Hogwarts while she lived there.

Heroneka's father, Albert Pearlstone, on the other hand, was a very powerful dark wizard, who was the head boy at Durmstrang. He had never attended Hogwarts. He ended up becoming an Auror and helping the ministry in saving the magical community.

Both, Albert and Gemma, had worked very hard to help the magical community during the dark days when Voldemort was in power. But unfortunately, Gemma had died giving birth to Heroneka, who was too powerful even as a baby. Albert, who had gone into hiding along with the Potters, tried his best to keep his daughter safe with the help of his twin brother William, whom Gemma had declared as Heroneka's Godfather before passing.

Since Albert Pearlstone and the Potters were murdered, William had made sure to help Dumbledore send Heroneka into hiding and decided to stay away from her for their good. But now, he was back.

"I don't want to go!!" Heroneka burst into tears. "I like living with you all. You all are my family."

"Heroneka." Reagan, Thomas' dad stepped forward. "We know we are your family. But have you forgotten the people who gave their lives so you could live on? What about your real parents? Aren't you willing to find out about your mother's origins? Where she come from? Why she never left? Why did she choose to let you live and gave up her life?"

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