William's Pearl Mansion

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"How are you feeling?" William looked down at Heroneka as she walked next to him.

"I'm fine." She mumbled walking faster to keep up with him.

The two of them had left the Bradys' house around fifteen minutes ago. William had apparated all her luggage to his home while she was having a bath, getting ready to leave with him. After the birthday fiasco, the Bradys thought it was better for William to take Heroneka away as soon as possible. By the time she had gotten down to the hall, all her stuff was gone already.

"How much further do we have to walk?" Heroneka gulped looking around.

The two of them had set out walking into the night only. William had promised Thomas that he would write to him once they reached his house.

"Just a bit more." William sounded very alert, yet gentle. "Stay close."

Heroneka had the habit of holding hands most of the time when she was nervous or scared. She would hold hands with Harry, Ron, or Hermione back at school whenever she felt like she was in trouble or upset. She always had the Bradys by her side to hold hands when at home. But now, all she had was William. She didn't even know him properly. How could she hold hands with him?

An owl hooted somewhere in a distance and Heroneka ran forward to grab William's hand. To her surprise, he picked her up in his arms and continued walking. Heroneka felt like a little kid, but for some reason, she felt safer now. William walked faster and Heroneka kept staring back at the path he had covered so far. With every step her Godfather took, she felt more and more distant from the Bradys. Heroneka felt like their bond was broken now.

"We're here." William almost jogged as he said so.

He gently put Heroneka back on the ground and waited to look around for a few minutes. It was too dark to make out where they were standing. But then she heard it, something was... Walking towards them. It stomped on the dried grass every time it took a step. Heroneka hid behind William, putting him in the direction from where the sound of awkward footsteps was coming.

"What are they?" Heroneka felt like she had heard those footsteps before. "They sound familiar."

And surely, they were too familiar.

The same old sound of swans quacking shocked Heroneka. She squinted her eyes in dark, peering from behind of William, trying to a better look.


William's wand lit on the top, making the flock of swans visible, right around them.

"What are they doing here?" Heroneka looked up at William. "They're supposed to be by the lake."

"Shhhh" William put his other hand on her shoulder, making sure she was close to him. Heroneka was too short and him, too tall and muscular. "We are by the lake."

Heroneka looked around with the help of his wand's light. And noticed that they were standing under the huge tree where she and Reagan used to set up their picnic spot every time they came to visit the lake.

"You live here?" Heroneka gave him a puzzled look. "Under the tree?"

She heard William's muffled laugh and then he turned to face the tree. "No! The tree is my portal back home."

Heroneka looked at the tree's thick trunk. William mumbled "Nox" and the light from his wand disappeared. Before Heroneka could even ask what he was doing, she saw another light. This time, it wasn't coming from the wand. This light was a ball of energy between William's hands. She gasped stepping back, almost kicking one of the swans, who swaggered away from her angrily.

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