Date At Detention

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Heroneka spent a lot of time over the next few days dodging out of sight whenever she saw Draco coming down a corridor. Every time he would spot her, Draco didn't hesitate to walk up to Heroneka and pull her away from her friends. She was sure that she hated Draco for being mean most of the time with everyone. But she was also sure that she liked him a little for how he was when he was with her. Hermione had decided not to stop Heroneka from meeting Draco. But Ron and Harry were always pissed about it. Even though Harry knew how to control himself, Ron often burst out with anger, blasting random things with his broken wand.

So with one thing and another, Heroneka was quite glad to reach the weekend. She, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were planning to visit Hagrid on Saturday morning. Heroneka, however, was shaken awake several hours earlier than she would have liked by Oscar, William's owl. He was sitting on her bed, right on top of the blankets. She screamed at the sight of him, but none of the girls woke up. Hermione shifted in her sleep mumbling something that sounded awfully familiar with Lockhart. She looked at the dorm's window and realised they had left it open last night. Oscar pecked on her hand and dropped the letter on her lap. He then stretched his wings and zoomed out of the window silently.

Heroneka sat there for a moment, still digesting what had happened. That she was safe! Then she ripped open the letter feeling wide awake and read it to herself.

Dear Snitchy, 

Now that you are at Hogwarts and back to being busy with your studies, I want to remind you of the book Gemma wrote for you. I put it at the bottom of your trunk and hope you found it. Make sure to thrive being an angel by learning what you can from Gemma's book, while you thrive as a witch by studying well at Hogwarts as well.


Heroneka was suddenly reminded of her last death. Her mother's book had taught her how to create angelic bubble shields. Last year she had used her shield to save Harry from Quirrell's attack. She had died in the process. Heroneka touched the tiny bottle locket she was wearing. This bottle had the purest water in existence which helped her body calm down after she woke up from death, struggling to breathe. Her classes, friends, Draco... And a lot of other things had made her so busy that she hadn't even open Gemma's book.

Heroneka squinted at the window. There was a thin mist hanging across the pink-and-gold sky. Now that she was awake, she couldn't understand how she could have slept through the racket the birds were making.

She put the letter in one of the drawers on her nightstand table, got fresh and then pulled out Gemma's book from her trunk's bottom.

"Let's see how much you can evolve me after my third death!" She mumbled.

She scribbled a note to Hermione explaining she was going out to read her book, spend some time alone, and left it on her table. Then she walked down to the empty common room. The room was dimly lit so she opened up a window and sat there.

"Hello, mom!" She mumbled to the book. Her fingers traced the tough and hard white marble-like cover of the book as he read the words scribbled on top of it.


This book may seem usual at first, but if you looked at it, it had some unique features. Everything written in this book was in an ancient angelic language that could only be decoded by angelic eyes. If a normal human would try to read it, they would fail to do so. Heroneka opened the book gazing at the index. It had only one chapter in it.


There was a reason why the book had only one chapter in it. Every time Heroneka died, the book changed the chapter. So far she had died three times and she had gotten to read only the third chapter before today. She had never read the first two chapters because she didn't know the book existed then. But William had assured her that she hadn't missed much. Now... She would read the fourth chapter. She would have to develop the abilities and powers the chapter would mention and elaborate for her. And she would have to do it soon because if she died for the fourth time, the book would change the chapter to number five, which would have new information.

A Gryffindor Falls For A Slytherin: The Angelic Witch and Draco Malfoy (Book 2) Where stories live. Discover now