Tom Riddle And Gemma

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Heroneka felt someone touching her face. A single finger, that traced her cheek down to her chin.

"Gemma," said a soft male voice. It felt like, Heroneka had heard this voice before, yet it wasn't familiar.

Heroneka's body shuddered as if it had been hit with a high voltage electric field. She heard dashing footsteps and the ground rumbling, splashes of water, that told something gigantic was moving around her. Maybe it was hunting someone.

"Wake up, Gemma!!" The soft voice said it again, with authority this time. She knew who it was, only she couldn't remember him.

Heroneka shuddered with fear. Ginny... She had pushed her off into the tunnel. And now, Heroneka was falling. Her eyes flung open and she gasped and coughed to breathe. Her chest kept burning as she slammed her fist on the wet floor.

"Snitchy!" Harry was running towards her now. "Close your eyes!!!" He changed his course, running towards a pillar, ducking, hiding and then ran again.

Heroneka kept gasping, trying to breathe. While her chest burnt from within, she realized that Harry was being chased by the giant snake.

"Don't look into its eyes!!' Harry kept yelling running further away from the serpent, who was determined to chase only Harry.

Heroneka felt the thin silver chain around her neck and pulled out her locket. She undid the top of the tiny bottle locket with shivering hands and drank the purest water from it.

Heroneka felt a liquid going down her throat, that was now spreading a warm and relaxing sensation throughout her chest and nasal area. She wanted to look around, but Heroneka had no strength. All she knew, was that she had just woken up from her fourth death.

"Snitchy!!!" Harry yelled running towards one of the tunnels within the chamber. "Get Ginny! Get out of here! Keep your eyes shut or you will die again." Harry kept running, hiding behind pillars. "The basilisk can kill just by looking into your eyes."

Heroneka lay there, feeling better. She felt numb. That was better than having a burning and panting chest, right? The basilisk was hissing, thrashing around, the ground rumbling as if it was an earthquake, and Harry kept running around. It felt like she was an injured soldier trapped in a warzone. She blinked a few times staring at the high rocky ceiling. It was dark.

"Ginny" she mumbled. Harry had said that Ginny was around somewhere. She had to get her out. Heroneka got up and sat, feeling dizzy and dazed. Her head was aching.

Heroneka looked around herself and realised that Ginny lay motionless on the cold floor, a little away from her. Harry and the giant serpent had disappeared into the tunnels. The floor still rumbled, but it felt distant now.

"Ginny!" Heroneka muttered, crawling and half laying next to her "Ginny - don't be dead - please don't be dead -"

Her face was white as marble and as cold, yet her eyes were closed, so she wasn't Petrified. But then she must be...

Heroneka couldn't understand what was going on. Ginny had pushed her off the edge of the tunnel in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. Her body was shivering with fear as she saw Ginny, lying there on the cold floor.

Heroneka had walked past the rocky tunnels, entered this chamber alone and then, she had seen something gigantic that slithered around her. The giant snake! The basilisk! The same serpent that was chasing Harry.

She had to help Harry. The moment she had looked into the basilisk's eyes, Heroneka had died. But Harry knew that already because he had been yelling at her to not look into the serpent's eyes. What the hell was Harry doing here and how did he find the chamber? 

A Gryffindor Falls For A Slytherin: The Angelic Witch and Draco Malfoy (Book 2) Where stories live. Discover now