The Flying Car

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Before Heroneka could say hello, she was tackled by Ron and almost fell backwards. The sound of swans filled the moonlit surrounding again.

"Oh god! Ron!" She tried to stand straight as Ron pulled away. "What are you doing here with that car? Was it floating or something?"

"How did you know it was floating?" Asked Ron. "Bloody hell! I thought we landed before you arrived. It can fly by the way."

"Hey, Snitchy!" Said Fred. He had caught a swan in his arms, who was flapping its wings nervously. "We thought we wouldn't see you again. You've been being naughty, haven't you?"

"What?" She took away the swan from him and put it back on the ground. The swan walked away flapping its wings angrily. "Why did you think that?" She asked him.

"You did some illegal magic." Said, George. "If you keep doing that, you'll be expelled from Hogwarts soon. And then we all won't get to see the angelic witch." He winked.

Ron cleared his throat. "Did you do some magic at home?"

"I didn't.." She felt so angry. "Someone else did and the Ministry thought it was me. It was... One of my caretakers." Heroneka didn't want to mention the house-elves right now.

"Oh. Well, Harry did some magic too." Ron said sadly. "That's why we wanted to get you and him out. We thought you both were not going to be allowed to leave since you did it."

"William wouldn't stop me from going to Hogwarts," Heroneka told them. "He knows I didn't do it. But why did Harry used magic? And, aren't you three using magic? Flying around in a car?"

"Oh no!" Said, George. "We didn't."

"We just borrowed it. Dad enchanted it!" Said Fred. "We only decided to use it. Now let's hurry up. We have to pick up Harry as well."

"Are you sure it is safe?" Heroneka gulped as they walked back to the car. "I mean what if it drops all of sudden. Cars are not supposed to fly, you know?"

"Oh, c'mon!" Ron pulled Heroneka by her arm. "We flew all the way from home to get you and Harry. Mum has no idea that we're out of our beds at this hour."

"What!" Heroneka was so loud that the swans nearby shifted away getting scared. "Ronald Weasley! If William finds out we're going to your place this way, he is going to be pissed."

"Girls!" Fred exhaled getting back inside the car. "C'mon! We're getting late. We can't be seen." He was already in the driving seat.

"We have to get Harry and get home before dawn breaks." Added George as he followed Fred and took the front seat next to him.

"Look!" Ron got into the back seat and kept the door open for her. "I don't know if you have enough liberty to go to Hogwarts this year or not. But I have to help Harry! I know he is in trouble. So... Are you coming with us?"

"Oh, alright!" She hissed at Ron. "I don't have any other choice." She got inside the car next to Ron and banged shut the door.

"So you live in a tree?" Asked Fred turning back to look at her. "We saw you step out of it!"

Heroneka glared at Fred, but he ignited the car's engine and they moved forward with a lurch. She almost fell forward but braced herself.

"Fred!" She addressed him. "No, I don't live inside a tree. It is a portal to my home. William likes to hide his Pearl Mansion."

She didn't know what else to say.

"And how was your birthday?" Asked Ron. "You liked the choco-chip cake we sent? Mum worked so much on it."

A Gryffindor Falls For A Slytherin: The Angelic Witch and Draco Malfoy (Book 2) Where stories live. Discover now