Merry Christmas, Love

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As soon as Heroneka reached the Gryffindor Common Room, she came face to face with Hermione who was coming down the stairs of the girls' dormitory. She froze watching Heroneka's teary and swollen eyes. But Heroneka didn't stop there, she dashed towards the boys' dormitory, stamped up the stairs and Hermione followed her, calling 'Snitchy!".

Heroneka bashed the second year dormitory door open and was greeted by multiple screams. Neville had jumped out of fear. Seamus who wasn't wearing pants grabbed his towel from the stands and wrapped it around him quickly. Dean nearly fell on the floor as he was about to open the door from inside the dormitory. But Ron was on his bed, seated, holding a parchment that looked like a half-written essay.

"You know there is a monster sneaking around the castle, petrifying people like me, right?" Dean backed up away from her, looking terrified.

He was a muggle-born too and just like him, all other muggle-borns were scared to death with the current situation at Hogwarts.

Seamus looked at Heroneka curiously. "Why are you crying?"

Ron was watching Heroneka from his bed, concerned and worried. "Snitchy? What happened?" Then he pushed the parchment aside. "What happened Hermione?"

Hermione had just reached the dorm as well. She seemed as shocked as everyone else. "No idea! She just entered the portrait hole like that and ran up here."

"Snitchy?" Seamus, who was holding on to his towel, pulled a chair up to her with his other hand, near Ron's bed and made her sit on it. "Is everything alright? Is it Oliver? Is he asking you all to practice for Quidditch in this blizzard?"

"No!" She shook her head, wiping her eyes.

"Is it Malfoy?" Asked Ron, shifting on the bed, getting closer to her chair. "Did that disgusting git do something to you? I'm going to kill him!"


Heroneka knew that if Ron found about the 'real' kiss between Draco and Heroneka, he wouldn't even wait for Hermione to finish making the polyjuice potion. He would find a way to get inside the Slytherin Common Room to punch Draco to death. She had to lie! Or maybe, she could simply tell them... The half-truth? That way she wouldn't have to lie to anyone and she would still be telling the truth.

"What is it, Snitchy?" Hermione was standing close to Harry's bed, who was the only second-year Gryffindor boy, not present in the dorm at the moment.

"You wanted me to meet Draco, right?" She sniffed. "To talk to him?" She said to Ron.

"Yes, I did." He said quickly. "Did you talk-"

"Why would you ask her to talk to Malfoy?" Seamus had finally managed to wear his pants and was now sitting on Harry's bed, next to Hermione.

"It was about family!" Hermione lied. "Malfoy and Snitchy had some... Family friend issues."

Neville and Dean exchanged looks. Seamus didn't look happy hearing that. Ron gave Hermione a grateful look.

"What happened?" Ron asked impatiently. "What did Malfoy do to you?"

"He didn't..." Heroneka wiped her eyes on her sleeves. "Draco and I met and we were... Near the classrooms." She kept looking down. "And then he had to go - something about Snape's assignment. And then I heard someone scream. Someone yelled that there was another attack - that even ghosts weren't safe."

Dean sat on the floor looking weak and petrified. He was getting a panic attack. Neville knelt next to Dean trying to make sure he was alright.

"It was Peeves." She said. "Everyone ran out of classes and... And... The students. Professors. I ran too. We all went to where Peeves was...."

A Gryffindor Falls For A Slytherin: The Angelic Witch and Draco Malfoy (Book 2) Where stories live. Discover now