Harming A Loved One

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General Narration

Donna ran towards Jaden with such determination in her eyes.

Donna: "Jaden!"

Donna rolled onto Jaden's way and grabbed Jennifer, rolling out of Jaden's way. They separated and rolled seperatley. Jennifer looked up to see who had saved her. She couldn't believe it. It was Donna. But she lay there motionless. She was losing a lot of blood.

Jennifer: "D-Donna................. DONNAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!"

Ashley: "Donna!"

Optimus P.O.V

I saw it all. Donna had intercepted. This affected Ashley and Jennifer quite a bit. But why?

Optimus: "Donna!!!!"

Fabiano stared in horror as his mother laid motionless and losing blood.

Fabiano: "MADREEEEEE!!!!!!"

Fabiano yelled at the top of his lungs as tears poured out of his eyes. His screaming affected The Erser. It roared in pain as he covered his ears. It was unbearable to him so much, that it returned to Jaden. Jaden woke up and saw it. His little sister bleeding out.

Jaden: "Dad!"

Optimus: "Jaden."

Jaden: "What happened?"

Optimus didn't say anything as he contacted base. Jaden turned towards the decepticons and shouted.

Jaden: "What did you do!?"

Megatron: "We didn't do a thing. This is all your doing."

Optimus: "Silence, Megatron!"

Jaden: "Dad, what's he talking about?"

Optimus: "Nothing."

Megatron: "He's lying. Your sister is lying there, because of you. This was done by your own hand. You're the one who hurt you precious, Donna."

Jaden's eyes widened as Megatron said that. Jaden looked towards Donna and began to cry.

Jaden: "Donna. Please."

Jaden picked up Donna and set her on his lap.

Jaden: "Please wake up."

Optimus: "Soundwave, call for a bridge, now."

Soundwave: "Of course."

As Soundwave did that, Jaden continued to clutch Donna's still form. Jennifer stayed where she had stopped after rolling. She stared at Donna, and also let a few tears fall from her eyes.

Jennifer P.O.V

After Donna's valient move, I began to realize. Why do we fight? What purpose is there for fighting? To make a statement? I remembered when I once believed that fighting was pointless in any case. So why was I doing this. As I thought about that and all I did was stare in horror.

Ashley P.O.V

Why did she do that? I don't remember much about Donna, but I do remember that she always knew right from wrong. She was the one who taught me about true friendship was. But I was stupid enough to change it up. I guess one you know never changes.

General Narration

A ground bridge opened up behind Optimus and the others. Without a word, they all turned and walked in, leaving the decepticons.

Optimus: "Ratchet! Medical berth, now!"

Ratchet: "Bring her here, its already ready."


Decepticon Ship

Air Razor (Jennifer) P.O.V

I sat in my room, starring off into the distance, thinking what Donna, had done. In all my years, that was the first time anyone has done something like that. Why did she do that?

General Narration

Jennifer wrapped her arms around her legs and buried her head in between her knees.

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