A Visit

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General Narration

All the Autobots were in the foyer with the exception of Jaden, waiting for any news about Donna. The communications hub went off as Optimus answered.

Arcee: "Who could that be?"

Optimus: "A video link......from the Nemisis."

Bumblebee: "Seriously."

Optimus shrugged as he answered the call.

Optimus: "This is Omega Outpost 1. Identify yourself."

???: "Optimus Prime, this is Air Razor and Ave."

Janice, Kira, and Belinda stepped up as they recognized they female voices.

Janice: "What do you want, Jennifer?"

Jennifer: "Jasmyn? Is that you?"

Janice: "Yes. Now what do you want?"

Jennifer: "I wanted to see how Donna is doing."

Belinda: "Haven't you done enough?"

Ashley: "Briana, please let her finish. She knows that she went to far on Jaden. She regrets it completely."

Kira: "Alright."

They all looked at Optimus with a nod. He nodded back.

Optimus: "We currently have no news on Donna's condition."

Ashley: "I see."

Jennifer: "I'd like to ask you all a favor."

That's when Jared and Ancelin stepped up.

Ancelin: "What would that be?"

Jennifer: "Please let us see Donna. We want to see her when she wakes up."

Optimus looked back at the techno-organics with a questioning look.

Jared: "Why do you want to come see Donna, aren't you the enemy?"

Ashley: "We understand this is our fault. We want to apologize to All of you, especially Donna."

Janice: "Why would you go so far into enemy territory, just for an apology?"

Jennifer: "That's what Donna taught us. We were all good friends, once. She taught us, that no matter how much you hate someone, always learn to forgive them. Though you think that person doesn't deserve your apology, do it anyway."

Janice's, Kira's, and Belinda's eyes widened. That sounded exactly what Donna would say. Optimus looked down at them for an answer.

Janice: "Next to Donna I'm the 2nd in command of the techno-organics. So I'll decide the outcome."

Ashley: "Jasmyn. Please."

Janice: "We'll send the coordinates for a ground bridge."

Ashley: "Thank you so much. We truly appreciate it. Oh and Optimus?"

Optimus: "What is it, Ave?"

Ashley: "Do you mind keeping this a secret from my dad?"

Optimus chuckled a little.

Optimus: "Very well."

Ashley: "Thank you."

Optimus ended the communication and looked at the others.

Ratchet P.O.V

I had finally stabled Donna and replaced the lost energon. She was finally asleep. Though her life was still in danger, there is nothing else I could do. I had to tell the others soon. I stoodbup and walked to the foyer where everyone waited. When they saw me coming, they all stood up and came to me.

Janice: "Ratchet, is she OK?"

Bulkhead: "Is she gonna make it?"

Ratchet: "I've done all I can. Her life is still in danger. I've managed to stabalize her, but I don't know how long it will remain that way."

Belinda: "That Calm Before the Storm."

Ratchet: "I'm sorry."

Arcee came in And whispered in Janice audio receptor. She nodded back and went toward to what seemed like the entrance through the ground bridge. She later came back with two femme arial bots. I knew them. They were Megatron's and Starscream's sparklings.

Ratchet: "Why are they here?"

Janice: "They're here to see Donna."

Ratchet: "Why?"

Janice looked at Ratchet with a death glare, already getting pissed off at everything.

Janice: "Because I decided it. Is there a problem?"

Her words were venom.

Ratchet: "Not at all."

Janice: "Good."

Soundwave P.O.V

I've never seen my daughter this way before. It's like she was someone else. She has been through a lot.

Optimus: "Ratchet, inform them of Donna's condition."

Ratchet nodded and looked at my former comrades.

Ratchet: "It is as what you say. The Calm Before the Storm. Donna's life is still very much in danger."

Ashley placed her hand on Jennifer as she looked to the floor.

Jennifer: "This is all my fault. If I had known Donna would do this, I would've never provoked Jaden."

Janice: "What do you mean?"

Jennifer: "Janice I'm so sorry. I'm the one who got him mad and that's when he released The Erser."

Janice stayed quiet as she looked away. I walked up to her and placed my hand on her shoulder. She turned around and hugged my waist , buring her face in my chest. I could feel her body shake slightly. She was crying. I held her tight as she held me tighter.

Soundwave: "There, there. It'll be OK. She'll be OK."

Janice: "Thanks dad."

Soundwave: "Anytime dear love."

Suddenly, the machines in the infirmary went off. Everyone was alarmed as Ratchet ran back into the infirmary followed by Optimus. Janice held me tighter as everyone began to worry.

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