Chapter 1

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Never once in my life would I have thought that I would marry a gang member. I always dreamt of settling down with someone in a small town, having a few kids, and living a simple life. The moment I met Vic, though, I knew my life would be anything but simple.  

The first time I came into contact with Vic, I was scared, and a bit intimidated, to say the least. He had a cocky persona, matched with a confident smirk that, to this day, is hard to see him without. He walked gracefully, yet with so much authority and leadership. Not much could break down his walls, and only a small amount of people have ever truly seen Vic.  He’s actually quite a soft-hearted person. He doesn’t put up with anyone’s bullshit, and he will go to hell and back for anyone he loves. This is one of the things I love most about him.

At the moment, we are sitting on our large bed, he propped up against the headboard, and I in between his legs, laying against him, with his arms wrapped around my waist and his chin resting softly on the top of my head. It’s moment like these that I love, us just sitting in our home, an old movie playing on the television. I couldn’t help but think how much I would love for there to be three of us in the house, the added person being a child of our own, but I know Vic wouldn’t want to bring a child into a life like ours. In a way, it saddens me. Most married couples would have started a family by the two year mark, but Vic and I have been together for six years and he still doesn’t agree that a child would be a positive thing for our relationship.

As the movie comes to a close, I have to refrain from letting my thoughts slip out of my mouth, knowing it’s best not to bring up such a sensitive subject when we’re both tired.

Vic shifts a bit, wrapping his arms securely around my waist and placing me down on the bed, underneath him. He throws me a goofy smile, which I return, and buries his face in my neck, kissing the sensitive skin, then blowing a raspberry.

“Oh my god, Vic! Stop! Stop! I can’t breathe- I-“ My own laughter cuts my sentence off as he continues to blow on my skin, bringing his hands up and making grabbing motions, before sitting up and digging his hands into my ribs.

“Tell me you love me!” He yells through hysterical laughter.

“I love you! I love you! Stop, I love you!” I giggle, wheezing when he finally stops torturing me. We both fall into a content silence, Vic falling onto the bed next to me, tangling our hands together as we try to calm our breathing.

Once we’ve calmed down enough, Vic rolls off the bed, standing to remove his pants and shirt, leaving me to do the same right after. I quickly grab a fresh pair of boxers out of the bedside table, and slip them on, before climbing into bed next to Vic.

“Go to sleep, angel.” He whispers, bringing me closer to him, so we’re facing each other, and wrapping a protective arm around my back.

“I love you.” I say, a small yawn following after the statement.

“I love you, too, angel.” I close my eyes and Vic kissed my forehead, then his breathing evens out, and I follow, drifting off to sleep.


I was in a dark room, wires with gel patched connected to my chest, while different colored tubes snaked from under my shirt sleeves. The room was musty, and had a strange, dirty feeling to it. I was laying on a stiff hospital type bed, with my arms and legs strapped down.

“Hello, Kellin.” A voice I recognized all too well, greeted. The man, whose name was Jeremy, came around to the front of the bed, carrying, what looked to be, a scalpel. I noticed he was glancing down at my stomach, a puzzled and disgusted expression on his face.

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