Chapter 7

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One problem with being pregnant and having a concussion, is the morning sickness.

I had been sleeping peacefully, trying to recover, when a sudden wave of nausea ripped me from my sleep. Jumping up, I held my hand over my mouth, clutching my head as it began to pound from the sudden movement. This damn concussion will be the death of me.

I go to the restroom, doing what I have to do, before walking back into Vic and I’s bedroom, seeing him lying there, so peacefully. I can tell that everything that’s been happening recently has taken a major toll on him, and I wish I could help him, but it’s affected me just as much as it has him.

Vic puts on a strong front, but it’s all an act. I’ve seen this far too many times, and I wish I could change it, but Mike tells me he’s always been that way. He always wants to show his strong side, and my only guess is that it’s due to the gang. The front he puts up, is to show that he is a leader, and he can make it through anything, which I know is true, for the most part. I know he was crying when he saw me in the hospital, and I saw the hurt in his eyes every time I winced, or complained about something being wrong. He’s trying to be strong for me, which I appreciate, but I sometimes wish he would let his walls down a little bit. We both absolutely adore, and trust each other, but Vic still has problems opening up to me in times of trouble.

He starts to shift a bit, stretching out his arms, then rubbing his eyes and looking around the room once he notices I’m not next to him.

“Hey, babe. Everything okay?” He asks.

“Yeah, just a little morning sickness. I’m starting to feel a little better, minus the headache, but I’m used to it now, so I can manage.” Smiling, he stands up and walks over to me, putting his hands on my hips and nudging my nose with his.

“Well, that’s good. Maybe we can go get something to eat, yeah?” He seems like he really wants to do something, and I don’t want to crush his spirit, so I give a slight nod, not wanting to worsen my headache, and kiss him, turning around to go get dressed.

“What time is it?” I ask shyly.

“Uh, ten thirty. Where do you want to go eat? Maybe Waffle House?”

“Oh my God, yes. Hurry, I’m hungry.” I demand, slapping his ass lightly.

“Yes, mother!” He shouts, walking to the bathroom.

I have a feeling today will be a good day. Long overdue, but good nonetheless.


“Victor, would you stop blowing bubbles in your chocolate milk! You’re acting like a child, and people are staring!” I exclaim in a hushed yell.

“Kells, lighten up. No-one actually cares, and, if they do, fuck them.” He said that a little too loudly for my liking, so I reach over and slap him on the arm.

“Ouch! Someone’s feisty today.” He remarks.

“Victor Vincent Fuentes, do not even go there. I am two months pregnant with your child, so I suggest you shut the hell up and start acting like the adult I thought you were.” Even though I took painkillers before we left for the restaurant, I can still feel a headache coming on.

“Oh, shit, you called me by my full name, are you really that upset?” He seemed nervous now, which he should be, because everyone in this restaurant was ready to have him for dinner if he didn’t shut his mouth.

Vic, I just wanted a nice brunch with my husband, but instead I got a date with a two year old. I have a headache, so can you please, for the love of God, calm down for five seconds.” I rub my temples, shooting a glance around the restaurant, making sure we’re not still being watched.

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