Chapter 17

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This is a short little teaser-ish for the next chapter because its really late and I just had to write an essay so im sorry but this is the best I can do with the time given.


This week had been going by agonizingly slowly, and I felt as though I would burst from Vic deprivation ever second we were apart. He couldn’t come over often, claiming that he wanted to keep a watchful eye on the house.

The triplets had been moving a lot. Their soft kicks kept me up sometimes, which made me even more frustrated. Of course, the time when I need Vic the most, he isn’t here.

Mike says Vic is doing things with the gang that he doesn’t want to tell me in fear of me freaking out and hurting myself, or the babies, but I think they’re just feeding me bullshit. I wish I could be trusted a little more, but I have to try and see it from Vic’s point of view, I suppose. He just wants the best for me and our unborn babies, so if I have to, I will sympathize with him, for now.

I look down at my swollen feet, propped up at the other end of the bed by a mountain of pillows. I had talked to Dr. Iero, and he said the amount of swelling I was experiencing was normal, which I was happy about, but also pissed off that there wasn’t much he could do. I was instructed to prop my feet up on pillows, but what I really needed was a foot massage from Vic.

“Hey, Kell, you doing okay?” Alysha asks, knocking lightly on the open door before entering. I smile, nodding my head and motioning for her to come into the room.

“Yeah, everything’s great. My feet are aching, though. I can’t wait for these babies to be here, so I can stop being in so much pain.” I mumble, looking down at my gigantic stomach and pouting. Only about three and a half more months until I get to see my babies, and I can’t wait.

“Well, it’s not too far off. Just, please be careful, okay? You know Vic would flip shit if something happened to you, and he’s already worried sick, so, just ask if you need anything.  I don’t want you overexerting yourself now.” She joked. Alysha has always been such a kind person, who was willing to do anything for anyone, and that really showed through right now.

“Thanks so much, Lysha. I’ll try to be careful.” I rolled my eyes, laughing lightly. Placing my hands on my stomach, I feel a soft kick against my palm, and I jump a little in surprise.

“Can I feel?” Alysha asks timidly.

“Yeah, yeah. I usually think it’s awkward for people to touch my stomach, but I guess you’ve earned it.” I joke. She just smiles, walking over and holding out her hand, allowing me to grab her wrist and lead her hand to the area where the babies are kicking. One of them pushes their foot into her palm, and she gasps loudly, eyes widening and mouth splitting into a huge grin.

“That’s so cool!” She exclaims. Nodding, I reach over to the bedside table, grabbing a tube of lotion and handing it to her.

“Now, will you please rub my feet? They’re aching.” I ask in a pleading tone. She flings her head to the side, grabbing the lotion and squeezing some onto her hand.

“I suppose a small massage wouldn’t hurt.”


“Kellin!” I hear someone yell. I was sleeping peacefully, who the hell was screaming while the pregnant person was trying to sleep?

“Kell, angel, please come here!” Instantly, I realize that it’s Vic calling for me, and I jump out of bed, running as fast as I can to the living room.

“Vic.” I whisper, walking up to him and crashing my lips into his.

“You don’t look that good, Vic. What’s wrong?” I ask, concern lacing my voice.

“Just missing you.” He sighs, leaning back and brushing a piece of hair out of my face. I grab his hand in mine, bringing it down to my stomach and rubbing lightly.

“They’ve been moving more. I figure it’s time for another doctor’s appointment soon.”

“Yeah? That’s great. Oh, and, how about we schedule and appointment for a few days? I think you can come home soon.” Vic told me excitedly. My face lit up, and I wrapped my arms around him.

“Really?” I ask quietly. Vic nods against my neck, rubbing his hands up and down my sides.



Vic, Mike, Alysha and I had decided to order something to eat, seeing as Vic came over kind of late and I was hungry as hell.

“Let’s get Greek. I’m in the mood. Make sure they give us extra Peta bread.” I say. No-one seems to argue, probably because they know not to try and disagree with me.

I sit, rather ungracefully, on the couch, settling in and turning on the television.

“What you watching, babe?” Vic asks, coming over to the couch and lifting my feet, then sitting with my calves on his thighs.

“Nothing, yet. I’m hoping for some Grey’s Anatomy, though.” I say, not looking away from the television. Vic doesn’t say anything afterward, so I assume that he understands how focused I am on finding the television show that has consumed my life since this pregnancy began.

“Food’s here!” Mike yells after about half an hour. We make our way to the kitchen, all sitting down and having a good time. I really love our family, and I can’t wait until it’s completed. I’m anticipating that the triplets will be a joy, even though everyone I talk to says I have way too high of hopes.

“You doing okay?” Vic asks, noticing how deep in thought I am.

“Yeah, just thinking about the future, and our family, and how perfect you’re going to be with the kids. Also about how Mike is going to attempt to corrupt our children.” He laughs a little.

“Yeah, well I already had a conversation with him about that. Told him he’d have to go through protective mommy Kellin if he so much as cussed around the babies.” I nod, wholeheartedly agreeing with what he said.

“Yes, Mike will have to deal with the wrath of Kellin if he does anything he knows I don’t approve.” I joke, still somewhat serious.

Vic grabs my hand under the table, resting our clasped hands on his lap, and then I realize; everything is going to be okay, as long as I have Vic.


Tried to make it past 1000 words bc I felt bad for not updating fully. School is kicking my ass right now and I feel like im drowning but im going to continue updating this story as normal because I don’t want to let you guys down.I will try to update tomorrow but Im going to my friends house so I don’t know if that’s going to work.

Every time i write about the baby being okay i want to say the baby is oaky 

I made 8000 reads thank you so much ily

Until tomorrow (maybe) x

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