Chapter 20

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Fast forward a month, and Kellin was back home with me. Mike had informed me that the opposing gang had retreated slightly, allowing for Kellin to come home within days of being gone.

“Vic.” Kellin whines. He’s been extremely needy lately, seeing as he’s nearly eight months, which excites me every time I think about it. Even though we’ve been through a lot of trouble, the anticipation for the triplet’s birth hasn’t died down one bit.

“Yes, angel.” I ask, walking into the living room and standing in front of him. Kellin was much more round, and he could barely even walk on his own anymore.

“I can’t stand.” He mutters, looking a little embarrassed. I grab his face in my hands, cupping both of his cheeks.

“You are so perfect, you know that?” He blushes, smiling softly and kissing me lightly.

“You only tell me every day, Vic.” He says, tilting his head to the side and raising an eyebrow. God, how did I manage to find someone like him? He’s so delicate, but strong at the same time. He’s sassy, but sweet, which drives me crazy. Kellin always knows how to act, or speak, or feel, and it make me wonder how he ever decided that I was good enough for him. He’s extraordinarily perfect, and I’m just plain old me.

“Vic, are you going to help me up, or what? The babies aren’t going nicely ask for food much longer.” He chuckles, the sound like music to my ears. I think this pregnancy has caused me to fall further in love with him, if that is even possible.

“Anything for you, my darling angel.” He rolls his eyes, brushing off the pet-name that perfectly describes him, and grabs my hands, allowing me to hoist him up and off the couch.

“Do you want me to make something for dinner? I’m kind of craving that macaroni your mom makes, so I think I’ll ask for the recipe and cook it tonight, if that’s okay with you.” My love asks, smiling lightly and rubbing his hands over his large stomach.

“I can cook, baby, it’s not a problem. You should rest; wouldn’t want you feeling bad. Please don’t fight me on this, by the way. You’re always telling me how badly your feet hurt, so maybe you should put all the movement to rest for a while, at least until the triplets are here.” I suggest, rubbing my hands up and down his sides.

“I’m not completely incapable of doing anything.” He states.

“I know you’re not, but I still want you to rest. You’re nearing the due date, and I want you to put as little stress on your body as possible.” I explain, tapping his nose with my finger and taking his hand, walking him out of the kitchen and into the living room.

“Now, sit your pregnant butt down and watch television while I cook us dinner.” He laughs, propping his feet up and grabbing the remote.

I begin making the dinner, and get lost in my thoughts while doing so. It’s not often that I get the chance to actually think, but I love it, because my thoughts always surround my family. When Mike told me the gang had started to retreat, I was ecstatic, and had to refrain from jumping in my car and going to pick up Kellin right then. Things have been great since then, which gives me hope that things will start to get better.

“Vic!” Kellin calls from the living room. He sounds pretty upset, so I run in there, thinking it’s something like a character death, but I was so wrong.

The scene scared me a bit, seeing as Kellin was lying flat on the floor, a hand on his stomach and a pained look on his face.

“I don’t know what’s going on,” he takes a deep breath, “They just started kicking really hard, then I felt a pain in my side and it wouldn’t go away. Do you think we should go to the hospital?” His tone of voice is shaky and panicked, so I feel it would be best for us to leave.

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