Chapter 9

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“Yeah, yeah, that sounds really good. Yeah, we should be able to be out of here in a couple of days. Thanks so much, Cameron. Bye.”  Vic walks back into the room after finishing his conversation, one that I wasn’t aware of until I had woken up due to his volume.

He doesn't notice me when he walks through the door, so I take a moment to admire him, with his  sweatpants hanging low on his hips and his hair still messed up from sleep.

“Hey, Vic, what was that all about?” He looks up from his phone with a surprised expression, a grin spreading on his face when he sees me lying there.

“Hey, angel. I think I found us a safe place to stay in. I was asking one of the guys to set everything up, so you and I wouldn’t have to worry more once we got there. Hopefully this can help ease some of your stress. Wouldn’t want you feeling bad, now would we?” He asks, quirking an eyebrow.

“Nope, and, speaking of feeling bad, I haven’t gotten sick this morning, I wonder why. Anyway, I’m excited for the new house. I love this one, but I think it’s best for all of us to leave. Even if we weren’t being forced, this house brings back memories that I’d rather not revisit.” I say, looking down and shrugging.

“I know, baby, I know, but, at least we get to leave! It should be fun. Just you, me, the little one, no-one to bother us. The house is back in the woods, kind of like a cabin. It’s a bit bigger than this one, and more comfy, I think.” He said, smiling. Vic seemed genuinely excited, and I didn’t want to rain on his parade, so I went along with it, explaining that I, too was excited. We would be able to start over as a family, and that’s all I could have wished for.


As the day progressed, I tried to focus on anything other than the fact that the baby and I were being targeted. Vic had explained that we should start getting ready for the move, so I started doing laundry and cleaning dishes to prepare, and to busy myself.

I think Vic could tell I was trying to occupy my thoughts. He and I were finishing up packing away un-needed things, when he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, inching his hands under my shirt to graze across my growing stomach.

“How about we stop for now, yeah? We can watch a movie, if you want.” I lean back, resting my head in the crook of his neck, and look up at him, a soft smile on my lips.

“That would be amazing. My back is aching, which doesn’t make much sense, considering I’m not even that pregnant, but, whatever.

We walk over to the couch, me sitting down and grabbing a fluffy blanket, while Vic sets up the movie.

All is calm for a little while, soft laughter and the roar of the television the only sound in the house, when suddenly, a wave of nausea jumps from my stomach, causing me to rip myself from Vic’s hold and run to the bathroom.

I empty my stomach, Vic’s hand perched lightly on my back the entire time, and start to stand up, when lightheadedness comes into play, and I have to rely on Vic to carry be back out to the living room.

“Angel, do you want to go to bed? It’s already nine, so it wouldn’t hurt for you to get some rest.” He reasons.

“That’s fine. Are you going to sleep with me?” I ask, looking up at him.

“No, I think I should do some work with the new house before I go to bed. I’ll be up soon, though.” He says.

“Goodnight, I love you.” I kiss his cheek, walking towards to room with my hand placed lightly on my stomach. I’ve heard from some of the moms through my online class that they sometimes forget they’re pregnant, which floors me, because I forget everything but my baby.

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