Chapter 22

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Things had started to look up for Kellin and I recently. There were a few ups and downs, mainly because he’s so close to the due date of the triplets, but nothing a few kisses and cuddles couldn’t fix.

“Vic, are you ready to go to bed? My feet are aching, and I’m tired as hell.” Kellin whined. He’s been especially sensitive lately, seeing as he’s nearly about to burst, and the babies have been especially harsh on him. I try to sooth him as much as possible, but sometimes it’s not enough.

“Yeah, angel, we can go to sleep.” I smile, taking his hands and helping him up off the couch. He grins back, quickly kissing me on the cheek, then slapping my ass and walking up the stairs. We say our goodnights to Mike and Cameron, who have been staying with us to ensure our safety, then head to the bedroom.

“I’m so, so ready for them to be here. I know this sounds particularly weird, but I can practically taste the excitement. There’s just so much that has gone on, and I finally get to see the babies that my life has revolved around for the last eight or so months.” I admit, blushing slightly at the mushy statement.

“I’m just as excited as you are. We’re going to have the best family ever, I just know it.” Kellin whispers, cuddling into my side and kissing my neck. He tries to stifle a yawn, but I notice everything he does, so I kiss him on the head, telling him to sleep.

“I love you, my angels.” I whisper into the darkness.

“We love you too, baby.” Kellin replies, settling down and drifting off into a light sleep.


I wake up to a groaning Kellin, and a loud knock on the door.

“Kellin, Vic wake up. Your dog keeps barking.” Cameron mumbles through the wooden door. I roll my eyes, throwing my legs off side of the bed and walking towards the door.

“I’ll be right back, Kell.” I say.

“What the hell is going on?” Mike mutters tiredly. I look at the clock on the wall to see it’s nearly two in the morning, and sigh.

“The dog is barking. Just going to check things out.” I run my hands through my hair, walking down the stairs and into the dark kitchen.

“I’m coming with you, bro. Never know what’s going on.” Mike says from behind me. I’m grateful for such a caring brother at this point in time.

Walking out the door, I see nothing that is particularly alarming. Mike and I go out a little farther into the yard, checking around trees and bushes to make sure no-one is hiding, then walk back into the house.

“Wonder what that was all about.” Mike says, running a hand down his face and rubbing his eyes.

Just as I was about to respond, an ear piercing shriek rings around the house, seeming to come from my bedroom.

Quickly, I rush into action, running up the stairs at an impossible speed.

“Vic!” Kellin cries, sobs following soon after. I reach the bedroom, only to be met with a scene that sends chills up my spine.

There, in the middle of my bedroom, is David, standing with a pistol to Kellin’s temple.

“Victor! Glad you could join the party.” David spits in a sarcastic tone.

“Get away from him you son of a bitch!” I screech, ready to lunge forward.

“Now, now Victor, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. If you cooperate, the boy makes it out alive. One wrong move, though, and he won’t live to see the next hour. Oh, and I’ll be sure to terminate the children, too.” He smiles, showing his crooked yellow teeth. Kellin breaks down in the most heartbreaking sobs, nearly collapsing on the floor. Had David not been holding him around his waist, he would have fallen.

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