Chapter 11

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“Vic, we’re out of food. I mean, we didn’t even have much to begin with, but now we have nothing.” I say, standing at the fridge and seeing only empty shelves.

“I’ll go to the store soon. Do you want to come with me? I won’t be too long.” He says, appearing at the doorway to the kitchen.

“It’s fine. I’ll stay here and do some work on the baby’s room, if that’s okay.” Vic comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around me and kissing behind my ear.

“That’s perfectly fine. Make a list of some things you want, so I can get what you like, seeing as pregnant people tend to eat differently than usual.” He laughs.

“Vic, I’m not even three months pregnant, I won’t be craving things for a little bit. Even though pickles sound great right now…” I say, trailing off towards the end.

“When do you think we should start shopping for you? I mean, you’ve started to show a little but, so we will eventually need new clothes for you.”

“Yeah, I know, but we can wait a while. I won’t be needing new clothes for a month, or so.” I say, resting my head on Vic’s shoulder.

“Okay, well, I’m going to go to the store now. I love you, angel.” He leans back, kissing me on the forehead before heading out the door.

After a few minutes of Vic being gone, I get really bored, and decide that a nap would help cure that. I’ve been so tired lately, I’m starting to wonder if I’m only having one baby.



I was a little wary of leaving Kellin, considering he is being targeted, but I figured a quick run to the store wouldn’t be too detrimental.

Walking down the aisles, I put up a few things I knew Kellin would want, and make my way towards the frozen food section, but stop abruptly when I notice a few people that I wouldn’t want anywhere near here.

Marcus and David.

I hide behind a shelf, listening in on their conversation.

“Yeah, I know they’re around here somewhere. When we find the location, I want you to actually complete the job this time, understand? If you don’t, you’ll never live to see the sun again.” David threatens.

“Yes, David.” Marcus replies. They don’t really talk about anything else that is worth listening to, so I slip away, leaving the groceries where they are and running out of the store.

“Oh- shit, sorry, man.” I say when I slam into someone on the way out.

“It’s okay. Wait- Vic?” I look up to see that Mike is standing in front of me, Alysha standing next to him.

“Mike, what are you doing here?” I ask in confusion.

“I came to help out. I don’t want anything happening when you don’t have enough backup.”

“Oh, okay. Well, looks like you made it just in time; I just found Marcus and David in the store. They were talking about Kellin, too. I need to get home to him.” I start to walk away, but Mike grabs my arm.

“Were you coming here to buy some things for him? If you want, I can go inside and grab a few things.” He says, looking into my eyes.

“Yeah, I did. Can you just grab some pickles and ice-cream and then some regular food. He’s bene craving pickles and ice-cream, no matter how much he tries to hide it. The ice-cream didn’t just eat itself.” I chuckle. He nods, Chuckling and grabbing Alysha’s hand, walking off after telling me to wait in my car.

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