Chapter 16

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Mike, Vic and I were all walking around the mall, going to various maternity store in search of new clothes for me. I had gotten massive over the past few weeks, and I felt like I looked so strange.

We found a store called ‘A Pea in the Pod,’ and I had to refrain from commenting on the fact that there were, in fact, three peas in the pod.

This past week has been exhausting, and I’ve recently made five months, so everything is turning to shit, as far as my body goes. I feel like I’m going to explode, and I can barely walk without horrible pain in my back and feet, which have become extremely swollen, but thanks to Vic’s care, I get a nightly massage.

I tried on more outfits than I could imagine possible, and found about ten shirts and four pairs of pants. Vic told me I looked gorgeous in everything, which is why I had to seek help from Mike if I wanted an honest opinion.

I seriously think Mike is scared of me, considering he watches everything he says, and doesn’t do anything without asking me, which I guess I’m okay with.

Thoughts of when the triplets will be here often cloud my mind, and I can’t help the complete excitement that courses through me every time Vic and I discuss the babies. I never really thought Vic would be this happy, especially since he was reluctant to even try to have kids, but he has done a complete one-eighty, and I love it. He always has a gleam in his eye when we talk about our family and he speaks of the babies so animatedly. Vic is going to be a truly amazing father, I can already tell.


“You hungry, angel? We can go to the food court and get some food, if you like.” Vic suggested, wrapping his arm around my waist. We had been at the mall for a whopping four hours, and I felt like I was about to pass out.

“Yeah, the triplets are getting really angry because of the lack of food.”  I laughed. Dr. Iero told me that the babies should start kicking soon, which I have mixed emotions about. Of course I’m excited to feel my children move for the first time, but I’m afraid I’m going to feel like a human punching bag, seeing as three babies probably won’t be too easy on my body. I’m already struggling enough, so I can’t wait to be kicked repeatedly from within.

“Which place? Greek, fast-food, Chinese?” Mike asked.

“Hm, I’m thinking Chinese and Marble Slab ice-cream on the way out.” I said, thinking about how amazing the two would go together. My mouth was practically watering at the thought.

“Okay, angel.” Vic laughed, taking my hand and leading us over to the order station. I noticed Mike kept looking around, seeming to try and find someone, but when he didn’t see anyone out of the ordinary, he sighed and looked back towards Vic and I. Concern crashed through me every time I caught him doing this, but I decided to ignore it. No need for stress.

After ordering our food, Mike, Vic and I went to find a table in the crowded area. A few people accidentally bump into me, but it’s nothing major.

“Vic, over there.” I point to a small table in the corner of the food court, praying that someone doesn’t find it before we get there.

Thankfully, we make it, and all is well for most of the meal, until Mike scans the room, eyes widening when he lands on something. He leans over to Vic, whispering harshly in his ear, before I see Vic’s eyes grow wide, and he stands up swiftly.

“Come on, angel. We need to go. It’s getting late.” He says shortly.

“Vic, what’s wrong?” He looks at me, pleading for me to just get up and walk with him, but I get aggravated, and ask why we have to leave.

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