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Today is tuesday which means school, EW. I learned that me and Amelia actually have a morjority of our classes together so that should be fun, I guess.

I wanted to dress decent today since it was my first day and I wanted to make a good impression, even though id only be there for 2 weeks. I put on a red flannel shirt with blue skinny jeans and a dark green vest. I wore tan colored flats and silver hoop earings. I put some makeup on and grabbed my bag and headed downstairs.

"Breakfast Aria?" Mom asked as I was about to leave. "Umm nah im good, im about to be late" I said trying to get out of the situation. "Aria, its 7:00 and im driving you. Now sit your tiny ass down and have some toast." "Whoa language there missy, we have a child here now." Nick said winking at me. I stuck my tongue out at him and Demi rolled her eyes playfully. "Sit."

I tossed my bag down and sat next to Nick. Demi put 2 pieces of toast with butter on my plate and she sat down on the other side of me. "Must you stare at me?" I asked. "We want to make sure you eat." Nick shrugged. "Ya" Demi said. She seemed almost zoned out which was weird but she had a big grin on her face. I was just about to take a bite when Demi interrupted me. "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" Demi said looking at my eyes. "Umm ya I guess, I'm not that gorgeous mom." "Sure you are." Nick said. "Your the most beautiful girl ive ever layed eyes on. "Hey thats what you told me!" Demi said playfully. "Ya but then Aria came into our lives, your second most beautiful." "Aaw thank you baby." She said pecking his lips. "Ech" "Oh eat your dang toast, I can kiss my husband if I want to." "Fineeeee."

My stomach churned at the thought of eating. Whole wheat bread and butter that around.....86 and im eating two so.....172. "Aria?" "Hmm?" I answered still examining the toast. "Please eat, for me."

I looked down at the plate and decided to resist the demons and do something right for once. One bite wont kill me. Maybe ill just eat the crust snd ill have less calories then. Yes. I picked the crust off and bit into the bread, chewing slowly swallowing. Demi smiled. I finished my first piece and ate a bit of the second but Demi let it slide since we had to leave soon.

"Here." Demi said holding out a $5 bill. "Whats this for?" I asked "Lunch, eat or your grounded." She said smirking. "Your dangerously underweight and need some food so eat or your grounded, and that means no tv, phone, ipod, computer or going out. You get home and go to ur room and stay there all day."

I nodded and stood up slinging my backpack over my shoulder. "Oh and if your thinking about just not eating at lunch, dont, cause Amelia is going to tell me if you did or didnt." "Ugh" Great.

I grabbed my backpack and walked out the door. "She knows I have to drive her to school right?" "Im not so sure she does." They laughed together as I walked out the door.
The fourth bell rang, that meant lunch. I put my books away in my locker and Amelia ran up to me. "Ready to go bestie!?" She winked. I giggled, "Sure bestie." I said rolling my eyes playfully. I had gave in and now, we just call eachother besties all the time, well more like she calls me bestie and I allow her.

We walked down the hall and the smell of food hit me like a truck. "Uh i gotta go to the bathroom." I said letting go of Amelias hand and racing down the hallway. I ran into a stall shoving my fingers down my throat releasing all the contents of any food in my system. Fuck nice going stupid its only fourth period and your fingers are already shoved down your throat. Pathetic.

I turned around to see a shocked Amelia. "Shit." "Aria, w-what happened? Why did you throw up?" Her next question really hit me like a truck, but it was obvious she would ask, a five year old could put the pieces together. "Are you anorexic?"

Open Wound//A Demi Lovato FanficWhere stories live. Discover now