I woke up the next morning to something peaceful, nothing. no noise, no one screaming my name or slapping my face to get up. No little brothers jumping on my stomch like mommy told him to do or screaming in my ear. Just quiet.
I got up and tied my long brown hair into a loose ponytail and slowley walked downstiars without making any noise. I heard someone talking but it wasnt Mary or Oliver (My parents), it was two girls.
"Oh yes shes doing very well here, eating all her meals without a problem, not throwing up, shes doing great! She's not as quiet as she used to be and she gets along with her brother so well!"
"Oh thats wonderful, may I see her?"
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck no! It was my doctor, the stupid one who always checks my weight and makes me eat disgusting food.
I walked back into my room and got in bed knowing Mary was going to come upstairs and wake me up.
"Aria baby, time to wake up." Mary said in a sweet voice rubbing my arm up and down. It took everything in me not to flich away and grab my arm because of the fresh cuts there. I squeezed my eyes shut and bit my lip hard so I didnt make noise but I had to get her to stop, so I got up. I acted all sleepy headed and smiled at the doctor. "Oh hello" I said.
"Hello Aria, how have you been?". I opened my eyes fully and just looked at her, I didnt even focus on Amelia. "Ok I guess." Half of me wanted to just blurt out how bad everythings been and how I need to get out of here but I knew that once the doctor left Mary would most likley break my arms and lie once the social worker got here in like two days so I kept my mouth shut.
"Have you been eating all your meals?" The doctor asked.
"Yess" I graoned and layed back down.
"Alright well you know I have to weigh you Aria." "Mhm" "Ok why dont you come on down, I have the scale." "Okkkkkk" "Umm why dont you go down, let me just talk to Aria for a minute" My mom said. "Ok ill wait" she responded and headed downstairs.As soon as the doctor was out of sight my mom took some weights out of her pocket. "Here, stuff these in your pockets or else." She sneered.
I wasn't taking a chance on what "or else" meant so I took the 30 Pound weights out of her hands and stuffed them into my pockets and walked downstairs. The doctor was standing by the scale with a big a smile on her face. "Here you go Aria, step right on." I did as I was told and got on. the scale read 97 pounds.
"Wow aria! Thats great!" She scribbled some notes into her clipboard. "Well as long as everything is good here i guess ill be on my way." She smiled, grabbed the scale and walked out. As soon as the door closed and my mom knew she was gone, all hell broke loose. She ripped the weights out of my pocket and yelled at me. It didnt effect me anymore though, I was used to it, ive already lost touch with reality.
"And what are we going to do now Aria?"she asked smirking. "Clean the kitchen.." I said looking down, fiddling with my hands. "And then?" "The living room and everyons bedroom." "Oh look your catching on, not start you little brat."

Open Wound//A Demi Lovato Fanfic
FanfictionAria was given up for adoption when she was 2 and has been in foster care ever since, going through hell every second of the day while dealing with her own personal struggles. But whats the one thing that keeps her happy? Her idol Demi Lovato. What...