chapter 12

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Elle hated flying, so she was grateful when the plane landed after a smooth and uneventful flight. She sent a quick text to Cate as soon as they stepped off the plane, per the woman's request.

Just landed. Safe and sound. Miss you already. <3

Dylan's parents met them after they collected their suitcases at baggage claim. As soon as they came into view, Dylan dropped her suitcase and sprinted into her mother's arms.

"Hi, sweetheart," said her mother affectionately, squeezing her daughter in a tight grasp.

Elle admired a lot about the Millers, especially the unconditional love between mother and daughter.

"Elle! It's wonderful to see you!" exclaimed Dylan's father, David, pulling her into a hug of her own. He clapped her on the back a few times before letting her go, smiling wide and proud in her direction.

The girls switched parents as Dylan buried her face into her dad's chest and Elle flew into the open arms of Christina.

"It's good to have you back home," whispered Christina into Elle's hair. She pressed a kiss onto the top of the girl's head before releasing her.

"It's great to be back," said Elle, rocking back and forth on her heels. She should be used to the affectionate nature of the Millers by now, but she still didn't know how she fit into such a caring and functional family.

David grabbed both suitcases and rolled them out to their car. Christina looped an arm with each girl as they followed him outside.

On the car ride back to the house, Christina drilled her honorary daughter with questions about her life. 

"So, Elle," said Christina, looking back from her position in the passenger's seat. "Tell us all about your summer so far. What have you been up to?"

"Well, I'm working a summer waitressing job at a restaurant near the apartment."

"I thought you wanted to take this summer off," said David, glancing back at her before refocusing his attention on the road.

"That was the original intention," said Elle, unable to keep a smile off her face when thinking about Cate.

Dylan snickered next to her.

"I know that look," mused Christina. "Who's the girl?"

"Her name is Cate," mumbled Elle, heat rising on her cheeks.

"And will we get to meet this special Cate?"

"I invited her," smirked Dylan. "She's coming on the 4th."

David made eye contact with Elle through the rear view mirror and grinned.

"We'll try not to embarrass you too much, but no promises," he said.

Elle thought she'd better warn them of Cate's age before her arrival, so that there were no surprises. She didn't want their first in-person impression of Cate to be biased or negative based solely on the age gap.

"Before you meet her, you should be aware that she's slightly older than me," said Elle cautiously, staring down at her shoes.

"Early thirties?" guessed David, in a tone that implied he thought his answer was a clear exaggeration.

Elle shook her head and choked out, "Um — more like — uh — approaching 50. Well, she's 47."

The severity of the age difference didn't truly sink in until she said it out loud. It didn't bother her, of course, but she hadn't realized the 26 year difference so acutely before.

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