1: Cosplay?

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"That poster is a lie!" you said, making a face while pointing to the shop window. The poster had an image of the one and only god of Mischief on it, and read 'Loki Merch: Now Available!'. "It is not available!" you said, through fake tears.

"You want to get food?" Luca, your blue haired friend asked, tapping away on his phone.

"I'm ranting about false advertising and you're hungry?"

"Why are you ranting?" he looked around, immediately spotting the poster. "Oh, Marvel stuff."

You gasped. "Oh, Marvel stuff?" you repeated, voice full of disbelief. "Okay, Luca, I see how it is. I was going to buy you ice cream but noooo!" you made a face at Luca's disappointment.

"Whatever, I'll buy my own ice cream." he stuck his tongue out at you and wandered off to get something from the mall food court.

"I'll buy my own ice cream." you mocked in a whiny voice.

A sale at Hot Topic caught your eye because, who can resist a Hot Topic sale? You walked into the store, and immediately spotted what looked to be a cosplayer, shouting at an employee. Being the person you are, you walked over to the two.

The cosplayer was a scary accurate Loki, and the poor girl he was shouting at looked to be 15.

"Why is my photo on the glass outside?" he was in the all black suit from Ragnarok. It looked like the exact one, too. Rich cosplayer. Hmmm.

"Sir, I-I'm going to have to ask you to- to leave." the employee stuttered, clutching to a box like her life depended on it. You grabbed a stack of shirts and put on your best customer service face and glanced at the girls nametag.

"Hey, Stella, is there an issue?" you asked in your way-too-pleasant voice. The voice you used when someone was being mean at your job.

"Yes there is an issue, you have a photo of me in your shop window!" the cosplayer growled. He was really getting into character, he even had the accent nailed.

"Stella, go ahead and go on break-" you winked at the girl, who nodded and scampered into the back room. "I'll handle this. I'm the manager." you turned to the enraged cosplayer. "Dude, great cosplay and acting but you scared the shit out of that poor girl. Not cool."

"What?" damn, even the way he said things was accurate.

"Your costume's great, the wig? -awesome, the freaking suit? Epic. but you cant go screaming at retail workers just for a bit."

He had a face of utter confusion. "What in Hel's name are you talking about? I am Loki of Asgard."

" 'And I am burdened with glorious purpose' , I know." you rolled your eyes. "Just don't take the act too far next time." you turned around and walked to the t shirt section, followed by the cosplayer.

"How did you know that?"

"Know what, Reindeer Games?" you asked flatly, flipping through a pile of Black Widow shirts to find your size.

"That damned nickname, and what I said." he leaned to the side to try and look at you. You took a y/s Black Widow shirt and flipped it over your shoulder.

"I know everything there is to know about the MCU. Try me." you quipped, squatting to look at the shirts with Cap's shield on them.

"The MCU?"

"Ugh," you groaned, picking up a shirt that was tour size. "Your name is Loki Laufeyson, you were found abandoned on a rock in Jotunheim as a baby, all you ever wanted was to be your brother's equal, you were tortured and mind controlled by Thanos which is why you led the attack on New York, you got tossed in jail by Odin, who is a total ass, and--"

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