3: The Writer Writing

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"Y/n!" Luca groaned. "Help me!" he practically threw his laptop onto the table, making all three of you jump.

"Luca, that's cheating."

"But this sucks!" he whined. "The real theme is love from new places." he read out, flopping dramatically on the couch next to you.

"You're not wrong. Try 'The true theme of this piece is finding love in unexpected places' rephrasing is all that needs to be done, Lukes." you say, taking a slice of pizza from the box. "Just try to use smart wording." you added between bites. Loki looked...impressed? Something like that...

"I literally love you!" Luca gave you a huge hug.

"I can look it over later, if you want."

"Really?" Luca asked with pleading eyes.


"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" he rushed back upstairs, with his laptop and a slice of pizza.

You sneezed, and gained an I-told-you-so look from Loki. Getting up, you went into the kitchen for your third cup of herbal tea.


{Loki's POV bc ;) }

I told her she would get sick. Now look at her. She's fallen asleep at the kitchen table.

What a mess.

Loki couldn't exactly understand why in the world he would ever care for a mortal like the one he was looking at now. Pity. He thought. Pity is the reason. Nothing else.

Still, the way she treated him was something he wasn't used to. She treated him as an equal, as a friend.

On Asgard, Thor had all kinds of friends, Loki had books.

Thor had the throne, Loki had Sedir.

Thor had women to woo, Loki had his mother to confide in.

In many ways, Thor was favored over Loki. But not here. Here they were equals. Y/n and her friend treated both of them the same. Y/n even seemed to prefer Loki's company over his brother's, which he relished in.

"Shut up, I'm not a failure...."

She was talking in her sleep. Loki placed a cautious hand on her shoulder, jolting her awake unintentionally.

{back to normal}

"The hell?" you muttered, taking in your surroundings. You were in the kitchen, at the table, computer still on with a plethora of spam words typed from your awakening. You immediately felt like crap from your cold, and groaned.

"Are you alright?" Loki's voice made you jump nearly out of your seat, and your head whipped to his voice so fast you were surprised you didnt pull something.

"Why are you in the kitchen at-" you checked the clock on the stove. "-at 1am?"

"Why are you in the kitchen at 1am?" he countered. You sniffled and grabbed a tissue.

"College." you motioned to your laptop and pile of papers. "Up for a late night coffee run? This is due...well, today." you rubbed your eyes.

"Is that healthy? Being up working when you should be sleeping? Dont you mortals require a certain amount of sleep?"

"Yesterday I was running on two hours of sleep and three red bulls, sleep deprivation no longer fazes me." you answered nonchalantly, pausing your music and standing up. "So? Up for a ride?" your voice was stuffy, your throat was sore, but you'd be damned if you let your assignment go undone. Maybe you could get brownie points from your professor if you show up sick, but with your work done.

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