5. Allergies

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You walked quickly to your car, head rushing. That fucking exam had taken an illegally long time. You hoped the gang back home hadn't lit the place on fire.

"Oh fuck." you cursed aloud. You suddenly remembered why you had dropped Loki home.

You had kissed the fuck out of her.

You pulled your hand back, narrowly missing the door slamming closed on your fingers. It was going to storm. The strange weather had to be connected to Thor and Loki's arrival somehow. It doesn't just start pouring freezing cold rain in the middle of June.

As you drove, you rehearsed a small speech, and formed answers no matter what direction the conversation went.

"Why did you kiss me? Oh just fucking around. Good, good." you instantly thought to the song I Kissed A Girl and cringed. The lyrics "you're my experimental game" sounded similar to what you just said. You don't go kissing people for fun. You hit your head on the steering wheel at the red light.

Of course Loki was the hottest character in the MCU, and anyone in their right mind would make out with the god, given the chance. It felt like more than just kissing someone you were attracted to though. It felt like some extra-planar puzzle piece was put into its rightful spot. You shook the idea from your mind. You had just been single for too long.

You pulled into the driveway and saw that Loki's bedroom light was off. Maybe she went to bed. You let out a breath.

"Yippee, can't wait for that conversation at six in the morning." you fumbled the keys in your hands and nearly dropped them, eventually unlocking the front door.

Unfortunately, fate was not in your favor, as Loki was standing at the door, hand ready to open it for you. Back in his male form. You had temporarily forgotten how damn tall he actually was.

"..hi." you scooted inside awkwardly. "Uh how wa-" now was your turn to be kissed, and fuck was it good. Instead of jerking back, like your brain wanted you to, kissed back, dropping your backpack off of your shoulders quietly. Katara wandered in, nails clicking, then left immediately for Thor's room.

Please don't wake him up.  

Im so sorry to be robbing you all i just cant write smut ahhhh

Loki leaned his head back slightly to drink from the mug you gave him, perfectly poised like a true royal. You looked down to Katara, tossing her a piece of bacon, which she happily gobbled up.

"Brother! It seems you may be 'the allergic' to something here!" Thor bellowed at the breakfast table. "Your neck has numerous welts!"

Loki's tea erupted from his nose as he slammed the mug down. Ouch, that shit hurts. He gasped for air as his face turned red.

"Yeah, buddy, I'll have to leave out the fabric softener for you." you tease as Loki hits his chest.

"Shut up, you!" he rasps through coughs.

"Those look like hickeys, not an allergic reaction." Luca said, leaning closer to Loki.

"Oh and you would know?" you snarked.

"You are being very inflammatory this morning. Is there a reason you're so activated?"

"I'm in a good mood, ripe for chaos, why?" you lean your chair back on its two legs

"No reason, no reason." Luca mused, arching an eyebrow. "So me and Thor are going to the fair today, you two down?"

You usually stayed home from the local fair, too many memories, but seeing Loki's eyes light slightly changed your answer this time. He nodded through coughs and sputters as Katara put ger front paws on the arm of his chair to sniff his face.

"Why not." you leaned further back on your chair and felt it slip. Landing on your ass, Katara charged to you, sniffing to see the damage. "Fuuuuck!" you groaned, scrambling off the chair as Luca hyena laughed.


Ok hi sorry

im dying ugh

im going to a psychiatrist and an autism doctor to see if i have ocd or autism or something else, but something is deffo wrong

im going to a psychiatrist and an autism doctor to see if i have ocd or autism or something else, but something is deffo wrong

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i want this bumper sticker so bad

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