6. Symphonic

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"If it was forming an Einstein-Rosen bridge the particles in our reality would be much less cash money than they are now." you remarked, shielding your eyes from the wind as you gazed at the forming storm. "Thor are you absolutely sure you don't have a fart brewing or something?"

"No, this is not me." the god spoke, head tilting as he saw lightning flash. "It feels out of place." 

"This maybe our chance. Luca?" the man nodded, flipping a switch on the mass of tech you had compiled. "Oh good, it didn't electrocute you."

"It didn't WHAT?"  he screamed over the rising wind.

A stray wire flung loose and whipped around in the wind, barely hanging on to the machine you built. Rushing over to it, you didn't think if it was live before grabbing it. Ignoring the large shock it gave off, you reattached it with electrical tape back to its respective prong. Rain suddenly began pouring. Looking up, you realize the rain was only pouring on you, and none of the others. It died off as quickly as it began, so you paid little mind to it. 

The lightning grew closer and brighter, crashing like a cymbal as it struck. Your machine whirred and sputtered as it began collecting what you hoped was particles from another reality. It started to glow a bright red, with chunks of black matter being sucked into its intake nozzle.

"I think its gonna work!" you shouted triumphantly over the crash of lightning and hiss of rain.

Loki looked at his brother hopefully, and Thor nodded once, letting lightning strike him to reveal his armor. Loki rolled his eyes and in a flash of green, was wearing armor as well. 

"We should probably get the fuck out of here!" Luca offered.

"Have fun storming the castle!" you called, sending the younger brother a wink.

Now, going home wasn't really what you wanted. Over the past month the feelings grew ever more stronger between you and Loki and you truly had wanted to join them. But, you couldn't. You had classes to take, friends to hang with, and family in this world. True, your family never called, and your only friend was Luca, but still. It was not your intention to truly leave this realm.

Apparently, the mass of particles and space matter did not care.

As you took your first step out of the ring of runes Loki had carved into the earth, you were forcefully sucked back into the now growing red dome.

"Y/N, you should be going now..." Loki warned, watching the dome rise around you all.

"I'm trying!" you said. In all honesty, you were. Each step you took forward was more difficult, and you saw your own heels dragging lines through the ground as you were pulled slowly back.

Luca turned, then rushed to the edge of the field of red, sticking his hand in and reaching for you. Grasping and reaching with all your might proved useless as you were pulled back just as your fingers touched his. The veins in your hands were also beginning to glow the same red as the field surrounding you, which was not a good thing, you assumed.

"Its useless!" you shouted to Luca, who shook his head. "Leave before you explode or something!"

"I'm not leaving!" he took a step into the dome, and nothing happened. After a few more steps, he stopped, and watched as you let the red energy drag you into the very center of the circle.

"Hey, this is kinda like using a resistance band." you walked away, then sat down as you were slowly dragged across the dirt and back to the center circle of runes.

"If this works, you realize you'll be going to Asgard?" Loki peered down, worried.

"If, my darling boy, if~" you reached up and closed one eye, pretending to poke Loki's nose. "Could just explode and turn us all into atoms."

"Oh thats a lovely thought." Loki looked away, growing somehow paler.

"It's reaching it's peak" you looked up past the two gods as the crown of red closed completely. Your surroundings went deafeningly silent for a split second, then a loud boom reverberated around the dome, as runes lit up all over the walls in bright red. Wind from inside the dome whipped around, and everyone braced themselves the best they could. Hair flew around your face, obscuring your view of the world outside the dome.

Blackness surrounded you as unseen voices seemed to rise from all directions. Casual introductions, verbal arguments, chanting, singing and laughter all crashed around in the dome, each one indecipherable, as if in another language, yet not. Deep voices chanted something that you didn't understand on a dialect level, but you gathered somehow, that these were chants of warning. You were doing something forbidden, using something banned years ago. You didn't know how you were getting this information, but you knew this was an ancient force being disturbed. The chanting died down and the dome vanished, leaving only a circle of red around your group. You felt weightless as points of light came into view. 

Galaxies, planets, stars and nebulas all formed around you. Unidentifiable sounds were filling the atmosphere, and you could only guess that these were the sounds of space, the song of stars and planets. a much better sound than the chanting from before. It sounded like a symphony. An overwhelming sense of safety and peace seemed to rush over all of you, and you looked to your God of Mischief, who was already staring back. You smiled slightly and looked back out at the cosmos.

No one spoke a word, the song of space and time grew louder, it seemed to be singing to you- no, for you. Thor's meaty hand raised to point at a star that was now floating into your red circle. It stopped in between you and Loki. Its light grew, and two strands of glowing energy extended from its sides. One strand drifted to the center of your chest, the other to the God across from you. 

The star lit brighter, then dissipated into thousands of tiny glowing particles, that rose upward into the vast sea of the cosmos. Some tangled around in your hair and rustled the locks around. The symphony seemed to swell, and the scenery faded as something began to come into view. A golden dome, and a long multicolor bridge.

"You are a genius." Loki remarked, looking down at his homeworld. 


You were at a loss for words at what had just happened. The most incredible experience ever had just occurred and now, you had successfully traveled between realities. Scientifically, this was a groundbreaking discovery and you would never have to go back to college once you showed your creation to the world, but with a purely human point of view, you wanted to cry. The beauty of space was something never experienced before. The symphony that the stars and planets had sang for you could never be repeated by even the most cutting edge speaker system, and the most highly respected orchestra. You were somewhat convinced nothing would ever be interesting or beautiful again. Nothing could top what you had just experienced.

As your floating circle approached Asgard, you saw the brothers physically relax more. Their shoulders dropped from the tense position they were in, and fists unclenched at the sight of home. Even you and Luca felt the same peace that Asgard seemed to radiate. You felt safe and protected as you neared the realm of Gods.


I hope this makes up for the lack of a chapter last week. 

play this during the space scene to really get that immersion


my fav song rn

heres my sim (shes the goth) getting married to Dina Caliente

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heres my sim (shes the goth) getting married to Dina Caliente

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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