2: A Ruff Situation

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"We cant just let two randos crash at our house!" Luca protested, gesturing to the room where the two very real gods were sitting. "And what about Katara?" he motioned to the wolf dog that was staring absently from inside her cage.

"What about her?" you asked.

"She doesn't like new people." he whined.

"She'll live." Katara huffed, bothered by the voices in the other room, which were currently arguing.

"This is insane, any chance it could be a dream?" you reasoned, leaning to see out the crack between the doorframe and door. "We could just be in a coma!"

"Both of us, in a coma? Together?"

"Right, right." you nodded.

 Katara barked loudly when Thor shouted something, silencing the entire house.

"Lady y/n?" Thor asked, voice thick with confusion.

"You two like dogs?" you poked your head out the door. "And I'm talking about normal dogs, not giant wolves."

"Father has wolves in the palace." Thor shrugged.

"Release the Kraken!" you boomed, hearing the clacking of claws on wood seconds later.

Katara burst in the room, barking wildly. She bounded to Thor first, who had spread his arms open, and knelt down to greet her. The dog attacked his face with kisses and Thor laughed.

"She doesn't like new people." you mocked Luca in a high pitched voice.

"Traitor." Luca whispered.

"oh my god." you looked at your friend in utter joy. "You just-"

"Shut up."

"You just-" you smirked. "YOU JUST MADE A MARVEL REFRENCE!!" you boomed, pointing at Luca laughing. "I have done it ladies and gentlemen! The man who claims he shall never reference Marvel -conscious or unconsciously- has referenced Marvel!" you announced, hands in the air. "Le cash." you held a hand out to Luca, who groaned.

"I hate you." he smacked a crispy $20 in your palm.

"You love me~" you skipped over and shoved the money in your bag.

"Hate you."

"Do you wanna fight?" you asked, pretending to square up.

"Yes!" Luca got into a terrible fighting stance. "The only woman I will ever love is Mari- ah fuck." he smacked his forehead.

"AHA!" Luca had been in denial about his love for an exchange student for a while. She was a nice girl from Paris, who seemed interested in him as well. You jumped up, clapping your hands, to the confusion of both Asgardians. You pulled out your phone and opened the group chat with all your friends.

"Y/n L/n you absolute bitch!" Luca screeched, diving for your phone.

"This is quite entertaining." Loki commented, watching Luca chase you around the room.

"It's murder time guys and gals!" Luca shouted in his all-too-accurate Ace Ventura voice.

"Oh sweet mama Frigga!" you jumped behind Loki, who was flabbergasted at your words.

"Send that text and you'll be joining-" Luca's mouth was covered with your hand, and you dragged him into the laundry room, where Katara's cage was. Thor leaned to the side, watching on in interest.

"Okay, they obviously don't know about that." you hissed. "So let's not be the ones who break it to them, okay? Don't you remember their reactions?"

"Yeah, dark-and-brooding threw a hissy fit." Luca quipped.

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