Return Home (Pt. 2)

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"(Y/N)?" The announcer's voice snapped you back to reality.

"H-huh?" Your head snapped up. Someone giggled in the crowd, and embarrassment filled you from head to toe. 

"Are you alright, Ms. (L/N)?" the announcer asked carefully, lowering the microphone. 

"Uh. . . yeah. . . " you mumbled, but you were shaking your head. People were staring at you with concern. 'Is-this-really-the-girl-who-helped-lots-of-people?' were written all over their faces. Nervous sweat crawled down your back, and hundreds of pairs of eyes seemed to pierce straight into you. You shook your head a little and looked for Hiro, hoping to see his encouraging smile. He was gone.

You mouth felt like sandpaper, and you made a weird retching sound unintentionally. More giggles. "I'm fine," you finally said quietly. You studied your shoes carefully as the announcer decided to move on to the next question.

"So, (Y/N), are you married? Dating?" Once again, the microphone was hovering in front of your mouth. The announcer beamed at you. "Was there anyone who helped you make this brilliant creation?"

You paled. "Well, actually, I. . ." Your voice trailed off as everyone looked at you again, staring intently. It was so quiet you could practically hear the quiet squeak-squeak-squeak of Baymax walking. 

Wait! You could hear it! You squinted, and there, across the street from the museum, was Baymax chasing after a ball in the park. Before you knew it, a smile spread across your face. That could mean one thing!

"Hiro," you said suddenly. You didn't realize you said it out loud until the announcer smiled and said, "Well, Hiro's a lucky guy, isn't he?"

You turned red. You had answered this guy's question on mistake. "I guess."

The announcer began to talk about your success at SFIT, your old robotics school. You watched Baymax run after the soccer ball while you listened. You hadn't seen the robot in person for a long time.

Before you knew it, you took a few steps toward the steps leading down to the crowd. The announcer looked up from his notecards but didn't stop talking. A moment later, you had hitched up your (F/C) dress a little and began running down the steps.

"Miss (L/N)!" the announcer called. The crowd parted for you to run down to the sidewalk and across the street to Baymax. People began murmuring in confusion.

"Baymax!" you called. The robot looked up, but couldn't see you through the thick crowd. He resumed batting at the soccer ball. 

You stumbled a little and almost fell onto your face, but you managed to catch yourself. Frustrated, you kicked off the uncomfortable shoes and continued. 

Suddenly, a hand grabbed your wrist. You turned to see Hiro, staring down at you. "(Y/N)?" he asked after a moment.

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Love, Hiro (Sequel to Two Hamada Brothers, Hiro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now