Chapter Two: Waking Up in NY

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Hiro sighed. He stared out over the city, his brown eyes flitting over the bay in the distance. At his side was a bowl of unsnipped beans. He was sitting on the cafe's roof, snipping beans for his aunt.

He picked up a bean and twirled it between his fingers. I wonder if (Y/N) is seeing the same stars I am right now, he thought, staring at the night sky. He ran a finger over the leathery texture of the vegetable, lost in thoughts. 

"Hiro! Are you done?" Cass suddenly yelled. Hiro jumped. "Ah, no, Aunt Cass! Sorry!" 

Hiro listened as his aunt closed the door again with a click and he slumped down, ripping the strings off the bean. He tossed it into another bowl and glanced back up at the stars again. I'll be visiting soon, (Y/N), he thought. And I'll bring Baymax and Cass and a bunch of presents just for you. The thought warmed him and he didn't notice he just tore the entire bean in half. 

* * *

Beep! Beep! You woke up to the sound of cars and yelling down on the streets, and you were tangled and sweaty in your blankets. 

Agh, what a great way to wake up. You sat up and shook out your (H/C) bedhead. You decided to videocall Hiro. He's got to be awake now, you thought.

But after the call was answered, you saw Hiro snoring in his bed. Guess not. 

"Um," you frowned at the screen. "Hello?"

Suddenly, Baymax popped out. "Hello," he replied cheerily. "Hiro is sleeping to improve his mood swings."

You couldn't help but laugh. 

In the background, you saw Hiro sit up. He looked around, then plopped back down again. "I've done it again, Baymax," he moaned. "I swear, I heard (Y/N) laugh and. . . "

"Hey, Hiro," you interrupted. 

Hiro sat up again, his eyes darting everywhere. "What?"

"Um. . . I'm right here," you said, chuckling nervously. "On the computer." 

Hiro's face flushed with relief, and he bounced out of bed and slid into the chair. "Baymax!" he scolded the robot. "I told you- don't touch the computer!"

"My apologies," Baymax said from somewhere around the room.

Hiro turned to you. "And. . . you were watching me sleep," he realized. "Ugh, creep," he joked.

You blushed. "Well, the monitor was on you!" 

Hiro laughed. "So, how's New York?"

"It's okay, I guess. I mean, there's a free alarm clock," you said, rolling your eyes. "I want to go back home."

"You're not the only one wishing that," Hiro remarked wistfully, his face melting into a frown. "I miss you already, and you've only been gone for three days."

"I miss you too," you said sadly.

* * *

After ending the video chat, you pulled on a (F/C) long-sleeved shirt and black jeans, then pulled on your sneakers. You ran a comb through your (H/L) (H/C) hair and fit the SFN cap on your head.

Hoshi stepped out of her room as soon as you did. She was wearing a pink T-shirt and blue jeans, and her chestnut - brown hair was loose around her shoulders. "Hey, there," she greeted you.

You smiled at your stepsister. "You're up early, too."

"Apparently everyone is, considering the noise on the street," she replied, rolling her eyes. The two of you stopped in the kitchen, where a box of donuts was waiting. A purple Post- It was stuck on the lid. Michiko's elegant, looping handwriting read -

Off to work early to meet the boss. Here's a very nutritional breakfast ;) 

"Typical," Hoshi said, opening the box. "Leaving us alone on our first day. I mean, she lived here for a bit. She knows her way around, but not me."

"Me neither," you agreed, reaching for a (Favorite Donut). 

"I think I'm going to stay in all day today," Hoshi said, nibbling on her donut. "I'm not venturing out there. . . not yet."

You nodded absentmindedly, then wandered back to your room.

* * *

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays :D


Love, Hiro (Sequel to Two Hamada Brothers, Hiro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now