Chapter Forty-Three: That Carson Guy

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You were so surprised, you said something really intelligent like, "Uh. . . aren't you supposed to be dead?"

Mitsuo's eyebrows furrowed. "Well . . . no." Suddenly, he tensed, then turned around to see an arrow flying towards him. He snatched it out of the air and flung it back to the archer. The archer was so surprised he couldn't dodge, and the arrow plunged into him. He fell to the ground.

"Aim for the vital organs," Mitsuo hummed casually. "Say, (Y/N), you never killed anyone before, have you?"

You were suddenly ticked off. "Of course not, stupid!" You were amazed how he was stuck in the building, but managed to get out and fix all his wounds. You were also kind of disgusted how he found killing so easy.

Mitsuo shrugged. "All right."

Hiro appeared through the smoke, then his brown eyes nearly fell out of his head when he saw the raven-haired boy. "What-"

Mitsuo blinked. "Uh. . . surprise?"

Hiro stared at him for several moments. "You're alive."

"A member of the Hayashi family wouldn't die so easily," Mitsuo replied confidently.

"The last time I saw you, you were half dead with all those wounds!" Hiro protested.

Mitsuo shrugged. "So?" Over his shoulder, someone was creeping up on him and was about to stab him in the neck, but Mitsuo reached up and grabbed the attacker's wrist without turning around. Emotionless, he forced the attacker's hand backwards, the knife plunging into the assaulter's neck instead.

Horrified, you stared at the dead body on the ground. 

Mitsuo peered at you. "What's wrong, (Y/N)? You look like someone just died."

You snapped, "Just help us get rid of all these guys. We're outnumbered." You found your robo-suit through the mist, and hurried towards it. 

You were just strapping everything on when suddenly and strong hand clamped onto your shoulder. You yelped and ducked away, kicking whoever was behind you. 

The strange person barely flinched. You squinted up at him, and remembered the familiar-looking cold blue eyes and blonde hair. It's that Carson guy, you thought. Ugh. 

Carson glared down at you with so much loathe you stiffened. He reached out with a hand, and you slapped it away quickly.

"Foolish pest," he hissed.

You turned around and scrambled away, stumbling in the process. You tore through the forest, nimbly leaping over rocks and fallen trees. Carson charged straight through them. Wood splinters flew. 

Darn it. . . I'm just separating myself from the group. Now I have to take him on myself? 

You halted by a tree and pushed yourself up the trunk, your fingers trembling from each climb. Your mouth was as dry as the Atacama Desert, and you swallowed with difficulty. Once you were nestled the the crook of a branch, Carson pulled out a huge sword that looked like a butcher knife. Only it was almost as tall as him. He swung it at the tree and slashed it down.

The tree creaked and groaned as it tipped over, the leaves crashing together. You looked around frantically, and leaped off the collapsing tree. Letting out some rope, you wrapped it around a nearby tree branch and swung yourself into the next leafy refuge. 

Carson spat angrily, and raised his knife. You looked up to see a large blade slashing through the air towards you. You were about to leap away when it landed right past you.

"You missed," you said incredulously.

"I wasn't aiming for you," he replied with a evil grin. You glanced down to see he had hacked off the branch you were on. The branch popped off the tree and fell to the ground.

You landed awkwardly on your left leg, stumbled, then landed on your butt. Some sticks and twigs from the branch scratched against your arms and legs, and you winced.

"Looks like I win," Carson crowed, stepping over the fallen trees and sticks towards you. "Why don't I just put you out of your misery?" He raised his knife, the steel blocking the sun, and you held your arms over your head protectively. You braced yourself for the shred, but then something green sliced through the air and severed the knife, cutting it right in half. 

"What?" Carson growled, looking up towards the trees surrounding the meadow you were in. You looked up too, and noticed four people perched in the trees all around you.

Four very familiar people, none other than Honey Lemon, GoGo, Wasabi, and Fred.

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Love, Hiro (Sequel to Two Hamada Brothers, Hiro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now