Chapter Twenty-Six: Diagnosis: Depression

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Hiro snapped opened his eyes. "What?"

Mitsuo jumped at the sudden movement, then made a face. "I didn't say anything." 

The two had a momentary glare-off while you were trying to climb up the slippery wall. "Hey, I need some help," you called, glancing over. You blinked at Hiro, who was struggling to sit up. "Hiro!" Immediately your feet hit the dirty cement and you hurried over. Before you could reach him, Mitsuo held out a hand, stopping you.

"Wait," he ordered. "He's not fully conscious yet. Give him room."

You frowned. "Alright. . . Hiro, you stay there. Mitsuo, you better come and help me."

Rolling his eyes, Mitsuo clambered to his feet and stepped over to the wall. "Step on my hands," he sighed. 

"Huh?" You stepped back, confused.

Mitsuo huffed, then grabbed your ankle and swung you up like you were as light as a feather. You let out a scream, afraid that you would crash into the wall or the floor. But you spiraled in the air and to your surprise, your butt landed on the windowsill neatly.

"Tch. Don't blow my ears off next time," Mitsuo muttered from down below.

"I almost broke my neck!" you snapped, but turned around and glanced out the window. Baymax was sitting outside in the grass, picking buggy flowers growing in the dry grass. You peered out at the land; it was practically all dry and dead, and in the distance was the stretch of water. To the left were fields, and huge amounts of people were there, probably training. To the right was a wilting forest. You assumed you were in some place very high off the ground. 

"Baymax!" you called. Baymax didn't do anything. Annoyed, you stretched your neck out of the window, and screamed, "Ow! Help! I'm bleeding! Someone save me!" A moment later, Mitsuo called out, "Shut up. You look fine."

Baymax looked up and saw you. "Hello, (Y/N)." He began to walk over to the building, and you groaned. "Baymax, hurry up."

"I am not fast," Baymax argued, but he finally came close enough for you to haul him in, then you remembered what happened.

"Excuse me while I let out some air," Baymax said, and began to deflate. You sighed.

"What is that?" Mitsuo exclaimed, staring at Baymax.

"Your personal healthcare companion," Baymax replied. "Allow me to scan you."

"I do not allow you."

The robot ignored him. "Scan complete."

"Seriously. . . ?" Mitsuo's eye twitched. 

"Heh. . . that's Baymax for you," Hiro chuckled, pulling himself into a weak sitting position. 

Baymax tilted his head. "You seem to be experiencing self-loathing, anger, sleep deprivation, hunger, and hopelessness. Diagnosis: depression."

Mitsuo sneered. "What are you going to do about it, Mr. Marshmallow Man?"

Baymax managed to squeeze through the window bars. "I suggest being around family, friends, or a romantic other." 

Mitsuo snorted and turned away. You slid back into the room and nudged Baymax towards Hiro. "Can you help Hiro, Baymax?"

"Gladly." Baymax toddled over to Hiro. "Prepare to scan." A moment later, he began pulling out several bandages and medicine.

After Hiro was wrapped snugly in white bandages, he stood up. "Let's get out of here."

Before you could reply, the door crashed open to reveal the attendants from before, led by a tall, slender man. "Stop!" he shouted.

You instinctively stepped in front of Hiro and studied the man. Spiked blonde hair, sharp features, harsh blue eyes. He wore an outfit that looked like something from the military.

"Leave us alone, Carson," Mitsuo said in a low voice. 

"Shut up, shrimp kid. Why didn't you kill them earlier?" the man barked.

Mitsuo straightened. "(Y/N) is someone special to me. I won't be killing her or Hiro anytime soon."

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Love, Hiro (Sequel to Two Hamada Brothers, Hiro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now